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Scottish regulator updates advice for registered providers during COVID-19

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published updated guidance detailing flexibilities on how governing bodies can operate amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Scottish Housing Regulator has issued new advice to social landlord governing bodies (picture: Getty)
The Scottish Housing Regulator has issued new advice to social landlord governing bodies (picture: Getty)

Scottish regulator updates advice for registered provider governing bodies #UKhousing

.@SHR_news guidance introduces flexibility around AGMs and SGMs #UKhousing

The regulator guidance allows governing bodies to hold virtual annual general meetings (AGMs) and special general meetings (SPMs), where previous legislation requires physical meetings to be held for these occasions.

The SHR said it is aware of some registered social landlords (RSLs) that are experiencing difficulty arranging for their accounts to be audited because of coronavirus and urged these landlords to contact their engagement plan lead.

Where a governing body is unable to meet the minimum number of members because of restrictions on public gatherings the SHR recommended meetings should be held using teleconferencing or videoconferencing.


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The advice covers a number of scenarios, including:

  • What a landlord should do if its governing body is unable to meet or achieve a quorum
  • What a landlord should do if the membership of its governing body falls below the required number
  • What a landlord should do if it is unable to update its constitution at its next AGM
  • AGMs and SGMs
  • Approval of a landlord’s accounts
  • Completing and filing accounts on time

Margaret Sharkey, assistant director of regulation at the SHR, said: “We’ve updated our advice for RSL governing body members to continue to support them in their work whilst managing the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.

“It covers the things governing body members have asked us, including more information on how to go about holding AGMs and SGMs.

“We will keep the guidance under review and update it as needed. We hope that RSL governing body members find it useful as they continue to work through this challenging time.”

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