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Reflecting on a year of the Boardroom Apprentice Scheme: opening the door for diversity and opportunity in social housing

A year after he became one of the country’s first boardroom apprentices, James Cox reflects on his experience being placed with Honeycomb Group

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A year after he became one of the country’s first boardroom apprentices, James Cox reflects on his experience being placed with Honeycomb Group #UKhousing

My boardroom apprentice journey began in January 2024. Supported by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, it was an exciting part of the levelling-up agenda, creating a new, innovative and non-executive route into the boardroom.

When I first heard about the programme, I knew I wanted to apply. I was 29 at the time and an aspiring board member, so it seemed like a fantastic opportunity to increase diversity in the boardroom and create new opportunities that one might not usually get.


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In my day job, I’m a senior development manager at TOWN, a profit-with-purpose developer, so I was keen to use my own working experiences of putting customers first, in residential-led developments, to contribute to the board and learn as much as possible during the year.

It’s been an eye-opening and rewarding experience, offering a front-row seat to the challenges and opportunities within social housing and the incredible work Honeycomb Group does to make a difference.

The scheme was structured in a way that provided that real-life experience of being part of a board, alongside mentoring and learning opportunities. I had a seat in the boardroom where I could feel really empowered to use my voice and build on my skills with each meeting.

For me, a particular highlight was our board strategy days. These are more informal, in-person sessions where the board and wider team come together for longer discussions, often including site visits. They’ve been a fantastic opportunity to see the passion of the staff and the impact of Honeycomb Group’s work on the ground.

Being part of a board is a big role, so I really valued the relationships that I was able to build throughout the process, particularly my monthly chats with Honeycomb Group’s chief executive Julie Guildford Smith, and catch-ups with my ‘board buddy’, former chair Andy Spencer. Andy really guided me through board papers and helped me to reflect after sessions. Their insights and support have been invaluable in helping me to understand the dynamics of the boardroom and develop my confidence.

“The programme has had a huge impact on how I think about governance and decision-making – not just in the boardroom, but in my day job too”

I’ve learned just how complex the world of social housing is, particularly around the ever-changing regulations and the challenges of staying ahead in such a demanding environment. I’ve also seen how decisions made by the board translate into action that improves lives, and it’s been inspiring to watch that process unfold.

The programme has had a huge impact on how I think about governance and decision-making – not just in the boardroom, but in my day job too. The learning days provided a solid foundation, and my placement with Honeycomb Group gave me a real-world understanding of how those principles apply. I’ve grown in confidence, strategic thinking, and my ability to see the bigger picture.

I’ve got a six-month sabbatical to focus on first, but after that, I’ll definitely be looking to get involved in a board role again. I feel ready to step into that space and contribute in a meaningful way.

James Cox, senior development manager, TOWN, and boardroom apprentice, Honeycomb Group

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