A housing association is set to start work on the UK’s first eco town after the local council signed off legal agreements.
Cherwell Council approved plans for the first phase of the 5,000 home North West Bicester eco development in August last year, but has only now finalised agreements concerning infrastructure work.
The first phase of the town will consist of 393 homes constructed to level five of the Code for sustainable homes. Thirty per cent of the homes will be affordable - 93 for shared ownership and 26 for rent.
The homes will be highly insulated and the development will include the largest residential solar array in the UK.
Michael Gibbard, lead member for planning at the council, said: ‘We have made sure that the first exemplar phase of development at North West Bicester will set the scene for what follows.’
The Bicester eco town was one of four approved by the Labour government in 2010, but the coalition government has shown less support for the initiative.
The first phase of the project is being led by A2Dominion as the developer and provider of affordable housing.