Housing providers need to share knowledge to ensure we can make Housing First a success
When Inside Housing ran an article recently about how Finland eradicated rough sleeping, it quickly entered our most-read stories list.
Little wonder: rough sleeping in England has doubled since 2010 and the picture is similar elsewhere in the UK. Local newspapers have been covering the issue, including heart-breaking stories about deaths on the streets. Local residents – and MPs – have rallied.
Across the UK, approaches to homelessness have diverged in recent years, but the effective solutions have remained elusive.
The Housing First model in Finland (and elsewhere) is striking in its success, which is why we made it a central plank of the Inside Housing Cathy at 50 campaign.
We called on councils and housing associations to pilot the method, and we urged government to support the approach. When the snap election was announced, we extended our ask, calling on all political parties to back Housing First.
Days away from the election, Labour confirmed its backing, meaning that all of the main English parties have given their support. In Wales, Plaid Cymru has also given its backing. The Scottish National Party manifesto was silent, but the Scottish Government has taken part in a Housing First Scotland event to explore the approach.
"The Housing First model is striking in its success," Emma Maier
At local level, there are pilots in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Providers in the West Midlands have committed to Housing First to achieve new mayor Andy Street’s campaign against rough sleeping. There are similar moves in Manchester.
With change starting to happen, it is down to providers and administrations to share knowledge and best practice in this important area to ensure that we can follow in Finland’s footsteps.
Emma Maier, editor, Inside Housing