Worcestershire-based provider Community Housing has appointed Ebele Akojie as its new interim chief financial officer.
Ms Akojie will take on the role after Richard Lethbridge steps down as finance director at the end of March.
Mr Lethbridge will take a break before deciding his next career move.
The landlord believes Ms Akojie will bring “an extensive background in finance, governance and resource management, accumulated over two decades of senior leadership and board roles”.
She was previously executive director of finance and resources at Settle, and also held finance positions at Genesis and One Housing Group.
Ms Akojie also serves as a non-executive director at Golding Homes, South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust and joined the board of Heylo in June 2024.
The landlord thanked Mr Lethbridge “for all his hard work”, and hopes that Ms Akojie’s “expertise will be invaluable in supporting our financial strategy and ensuring Community Housing remains well-positioned to deliver long-term sustainability and value for residents”.
Last October, Community Housing said it had sold its telecare business to the healthcare subsidiary of insurer AXA Health.
Matt Cooney, chief executive of Community Housing, said at the time that the landlord “is not a technology-enabled care specialist and if the service is going to improve to the next level, it needs the investment and expertise of a specialist provider”.
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