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Tenant engagment 2023 agenda

Engagement methods
Engagement issues

London Wall

Adam Firbank
Alex Barker
Andy McGrory
Anna Kear
Blase Lambert
Brian Hamlin
Charlie Edmonds
Charlotte Bailey
Charlotte Bates
Clare Budden
Derek Owen
Dr Mercy Denedo
Emma Bitting
Fallon Warren
Fiona Brown
Frances Harkin
Helen Alderson
Isaac Samuels
Jack Fox
Jacob Secker
Jacqueline Parkes
James Batchelor
Jane Ryland
Jason Whittall
Kate Dodsworth
Kwajo Tweneboa
Leslie Channon
Lisa Dunbar
Louise Taylor
Mark Wood
Martin Hilditch
Michelle Baker
Monica Barnes MBE
Palma Black
Paul Richards
Professor Amanze Ejiogu
Rebecca Reed
Samia Badani
Stephen Mackenzie
Sue Hanlon
Victoria Dingle
Yaw Boateng
Zoe Webb

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Engagement methodsBack to Tenant engagment 2023 agenda

How to increase and sustain tenant engagement in the long term

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 14:40 - 15:25Broadgate
Charlotte   Bailey Charlotte BaileyWellbeing and inclusion officerWinchester City Council
Leslie   Channon Leslie ChannonPublic Affairs & Tenant Engagement ConsultantTaroe Trust
Fiona   Brown Fiona BrownInvolved tenant of Progress Housing and treasurerStop Social Housing Stigma Campaign
Jack   Fox Jack FoxSenior digital ConsultantOrlo

New legislation is increasingly empowering tenants to engage more with their landlords and take part in decisions. This session will explore why tenants choose to get involved with their landlords and why they stay involved. Crucially, how can landlords show to tenants that their involvement is making a difference to services, lives and communities? 


What can we learn from innovative methods within and outside of the sector that are successfully increasing and sustaining participation levels? 

Download presentations

Download this documentCharlotte Bailey - Winchester City Council.pdf
Download this documentFiona Brown - Stop Social Housing Stigma Campaign.pdf
Download this documentJack Fox - Orlo.pdf
Download this documentMatthew Weekes - Peabody.pdf

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