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Explainer: how can co-production create an equal tenant and landlord relationship?

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How can landlords and residents work together to improve building safety? Our video on co-production explains

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Picture: Alamy
Picture: Alamy

How can landlords and residents work together to improve building safety? #SaferHomes4All @Aico_Limited (sponsored)

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The Social Housing White Paper means the sector must place residents at the heart of building safety. As a result, a growing number of social landlords are now exploring co-production and finding great value in tenant involvement. After all, the people who know a building best are often its inhabitants.

But what is co-production? Watch the video below to find out how to create a space for landlords and residents to come together to work equally and effectively.


Co-production is more than a buzzword – how can it work for landlord and tenant relationships?Co-production is more than a buzzword – how can it work for landlord and tenant relationships?
What is co-production and how can it help residents and landlords work together?What is co-production and how can it help residents and landlords work together?

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