Large South of England landlord Vivid has added three new non-executive directors to its board, all with strong financial backgrounds.
The 35,000-home landlord has appointed Andrew Binnie, Abi Kee and Caroline Stockmann, which it said reflected its “commitment to strengthening governance and enhancing strategic capabilities”.
Mr Binnie has been group treasury director of BT for the past three-and-a-half years. Prior to BT, he spent around 20 years at Vodafone, latterly as the firm’s deputy group treasurer.
Ms Kee is managing director of Northern Europe for debt capital markets at BNP Paribas. Past roles include more than 16 years at JPMorgan, including as executive director for debt capital markets. Vivid said she had led on raising over $135bn during her career.
Ms Stockmann’s previous roles include chief financial officer and IT director at Unilever Thailand, chief financial officer at the British Council and chief executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers. Among her portfolio career, she is chair of the Bank of England’s SONIA (Sterling Over Night Indexed Average) stakeholder advisory group, according to her LinkedIn profile.
Mark Perry, chief executive of Vivid, said: “Their extensive experience and unique perspectives will be instrumental as we navigate the evolving landscape of housing and strive to deliver new homes and create communities for our customers.”
In its latest annual accounts, Vivid reported building a record number of homes. However, its surplus fell by a quarter, to £53.8m, due to a hike in interest and financing costs.
This summer, it agreed a £100m sustainability-linked facility with HSBC to help build energy-efficient homes.
Vivid currently has top grades of G1/V1 with the regulator. It has yet to be awarded a grade for consumer standards.
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