Birmingham-based Platform Housing Group has doubled its Euro Medium-Term Note (EMTN) programme to £2bn.
The housing association uses the financial instrument, which offers speedy access to debt capital markets, to develop more affordable housing and improve the energy efficiency of its existing homes.
In 2021, Platform launched its EMTN programme with £1bn in funding.
Funding from the programme, which also includes plans to decarbonise its fleet of vehicles used by its maintenance subsidiary Platform Property Care, will align with the 50,000-home landlord’s newly published sustainable finance framework.
Platform said the programme demonstrates its commitment to continue investing in homes that are “acutely needed in order to help tackle the shortage of housing” and in its existing housing to “tackle the net zero carbon challenge” in the UK.
It said the move signals that the association will look to fund these capital programmes through the debt capital markets and follows the £250m bond it issued in April 2024.
Rosemary Farrar, chief finance officer at Platform, said: “We are delighted to have increased the quantum of our EMTN programme, which will continue to play a key part in our treasury strategy for the coming years.
“The programme signals that Platform is committed to fund raising from the capital markets, and with our A+ ratings, we remain a sound investment.
“It will help us access the funding that we need to invest in our homes and our communities as we continue to help alleviate the Midlands housing shortage and provide enhanced life prospects for more people.”
Platform completed 1,202 homes in 2024-25 at an investment of £313m.
The association’s operating area spans from Herefordshire in the West Midlands to the Lincolnshire Coast in the East Midlands, and from the Derbyshire Dales to the Cotswolds in South West England.
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