A 3,500-home Scottish landlord has appointed a Home Group executive as its new boss.
Edinburgh-based Cairn has named Audrey Simpson as its new chief executive to replace Jason MacGlip.
Mr MacGlip has led the association for the past 12 years but said it was “time for me to move on”. He first announced his intention to step down in October.
It comes as the Scottish Housing Regulator is currently engaging with Cairn over its stock quality and transfer of engagements from its subsidiary ANCHO, which it originally took on in 2018.
Ms Simpson has been Home Group’s Scotland director for nearly two years and will join Cairn in April.
Prior to Home Group, she was chief executive of Ardenglen Housing Association and before that spent 12 years at Queens Cross Housing Association.
She said: “I am absolutely delighted to be joining Cairn, and looking forward to working with them as we embark on this next chapter.”
Mr MacGilp said: “This is a great appointment by the board and may I offer my congratulations to Audrey Simpson on her new role. After 12 years in the job, it is time for me to move on.”
Ken Tudhope, finance and people services director at Cairn, will act as the landlord’s interim chief executive until Ms Simpson joins.
Cairn is currently compliant with the SHR’s regulatory standards.
However as part of the engagement plan, published last March, the SHR found that the landlord does not “fully comply” with the electrical safety requirements of the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and said it must act “as soon as possible”.
As of last March 62.1% of the landlord’s homes met the Scottish Housing Quality Standard compared to the Scottish average of 79%, according to the regulator.
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