Large London landlord Peabody has appointed its first chief investment officer, in a move to combine its development and property service teams.
Phil Jenkins, who is currently group development director, will take up the newly created role on 1 April.
He will lead a new directorate that will focus on the landlord’s 108,000 homes and oversee development plans.
Peabody said the move will build on its priorities of “getting the basics right and putting residents first”.
Mr Jenkins said: “By bringing these services together, we’ll have a single and more integrated view of our existing homes and the ones we’re building now and in the future.”
Peter Evans, executive director of property services and assets at Peabody, has decided to “step back from full-time work”, the landlord said.
He will leave on 31 May, with his responsibilities being passed to Mr Jenkins.
In its last full year, the housing association’s spend on its existing homes more than doubled to £374m.
On bringing the teams together, Ian McDermott, chief executive of Peabody, said: “Financial and organisational resilience are essential for us to deliver good services and homes for residents.
“Bringing these services together is a key part of joining up our long-term investment in homes from the very start ensuring they meet residents’ needs throughout their lifetime.”
Last month, the English regulator confirmed Peabody’s G1/V2 grades for governance and financial viability following a stability check. The landlord has yet to be assessed under the consumer standards.
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