Large housing association Orbit has recruited two customers to its board as it looks to ensure residents are at the heart of strategic decision-making.
The 47,000-home landlord has announced that Maxwell Doku and Sayo Ogundayo will join their board after an extensive recruitment outreach programme.
Mr Doku’s current role is as a finance business partner at healthcare regulator the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
He was previously a resident board member at Barnet Homes and a member of the housing and contract monitoring and scrutiny committee at the London Borough of Barnet.
Mr Ogundayo has cross-industry experience in technology, sales and client relationship management with organisations such as Amazon Web Services, Atos IT Services and Worldline.
He is also a school governor and a founding coach at Tangent, a venture capital-backed start-up in the technology recruitment sector.
Prior to this, Mr Ogundayo was an advisory board member of Cotta, a technology start-up in the creative industries.
Stephen Jack, chair of Orbit, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Maxwell and Sayo to our board.
“They are both passionate about the housing sector, and their lived experience as an Orbit customer, alongside their professional expertise, will enhance our capability to improve our customer experience and support the delivery of our 2030 strategy.’’
These new recruits build on another appointment in October. Orbit appointed a new director of customer experience from outside the social housing sector to lead on a resident-focused strategy.
In the role, Nick Lygo-Baker will be responsible for developing and executing a new customer experience strategy at the landlord. The strategy will align with the association’s new corporate strategy that launched last year.
Mr Lygo-Baker replaces Charley Gibbons, who joined EMH Group as director of housing in September.
Orbit said Mr Lygo-Baker will work with the team to deliver “customer-focused initiatives” that improve engagement and are “rooted in a deep understanding” of what residents “need and value most”.
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