A housing association in the North West has launched a new shared ownership and outright sales arm.
First Choice Homes Oldham said that Fabric Living will help it meet a goal to build 1,000 new homes by 2024.
The 11,500-home landlord intends to invest £150m in housebuilding over the next five years.
Fabric Living’s debut schemes will deliver at least 32 homes for shared ownership across three sites in Royton and the Bardsley and Sholver areas of Oldham.
The first homes will be available to reserve from today and are expected to cost from £55,300 for a 35% share, with shares of up to 75% on offer.
Dave Woods, homes and investment director at First Choice Homes Oldham, said: “Unveiling our first Fabric Living development is a big milestone for First Choice Homes Oldham and a significant step forward in achieving our ambitions of increasing the provision of much needed new homes in Oldham.
“Fabric Living has come about due to the strong partnerships we are forging with Oldham Council, Homes England and local contractors who will all help to make these new homes a reality.
“We are pleased to be able to offer these new homes through shared ownership, enabling more people to get onto the property ladder and we are determined that Fabric Living will help to improve the area for people now and into the future.”