Settle has made two appointments, including to a newly created role, as it looks to strengthen its executive team.
The housing association has appointed Iain Bacon as executive director of finance and promoted Donna North to the new role of executive director of central services.
The landlord manages more than 10,000 homes across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and South Cambridgeshire.
Settle said the appointments “bring additional strength and capacity” to the executive team as it focuses on the delivery of its new 2030 corporate plan.
Mr Bacon, a chartered accountant, joined Settle in March 2024 as interim executive director of finance and has now been appointed permanently.
He has more than 12 years of experience in housing and has held senior finance roles at a range of organisations in the sector.
Mr Bacon said he has “seen the culture and commitment of my colleagues at Settle and feel it is a great time to join”.
“I am pleased with the strength of the business and look forward to working with our partners and colleagues to continue building on this success,” he added.
Ms North joined Settle in 2019 and has experience in recruitment, energy and the professional services industries. She has been promoted from her previous position as assistant director of people and engagement, to executive director of central services.
Settle said that during her time so far at the landlord, Ms North has been “instrumental in building and supporting the organisation’s culture and driving key people-related initiatives”.
It said she has worked closely with the executive team to deliver Settle’s strategic ambitions and will now broaden her remit to cover all central services functions.
Ms North said: “We have transformed the business in recent years, ensuring that our colleagues and services are aligned and focused on delivering the best outcomes for our residents.
“I am proud to have been integral in establishing the ‘Settle way’ of working and am excited to continue this journey, especially as we roll out our 2030 corporate plan.”
In June, it emerged that Gavin Cansfield, chief executive of Settle, is due to step down after being appointed the boss of Moat Homes.
Mr Cansfield, who joined Settle more than nine years ago, will take the helm at Moat later this year.
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