Sovereign Network Group (SNG) has announced that three senior directors will leave as part of the landlord’s plans to amalgamate its group structure.
On 31 March 2025, Helen Evans, deputy chief executive; David Gooch, executive director of development for London and Hertfordshire; and Gerry Doherty, executive director of operations for London and Hertfordshire, will move on from SNG.
SNG was formed on 1 October 2023 through the merger of Sovereign Housing Association and Network Homes.
The merged association is a member of the G15 group of London’s largest landlords, and manages more than 82,000 homes, with 210,000 customers across London, Hertfordshire and the South of England.
Since coming together, SNG explained that both associations continued operating separately under a group structure to enable a planned transition to the new single organisation, protecting the delivery of services to customers and the building of affordable homes.
Ms Evans, who was chief executive at Network Homes for 12 years before the merger, will continue to be active in the sector in non-executive roles and other projects.
She said: “I am proud of Network’s achievements and positive contribution to many people’s lives and delighted that the merger ensures that SNG will be able to invest in building new homes to meet acute housing in London, as well as investing in homes and services.
“I would like to thank everyone I have worked with over the years for their support and commitment. Our merger has enabled us to do so much more for our current and future customers.”
Mr Gooch is planning to take a break from work before exploring interim and board member roles.
He was executive director of development for London and Hertfordshire at Network Homes for eight years and then at SNG.
Mr Gooch said: “It has been incredibly rewarding to have led the delivery of the new homes and the building safety remediation programmes, which have made a real difference to people’s lives. I want to thank my many talented colleagues and our partners for their commitment and collaboration on so many great projects.”
Mr Doherty, who was executive director for customer service at Network Homes for 10 years before becoming executive director of operations for London and Hertfordshire at SNG, will be embarking on new opportunities within the sector.
He said: “It’s been a great privilege to work for an organisation with such a strong social purpose. I’m incredibly proud of and grateful for the dedication of our teams who work tirelessly to support our customers. As I move on to new opportunities, I’m confident SNG will continue to go from strength to strength.”
Mark Washer, group chief executive of SNG, said: “On behalf of the board, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Helen, David and Gerry for their strong leadership and significant contributions which have been instrumental in establishing SNG as a newly merged organisation that will make a lasting positive impact on people and communities over generations. Each leaves a legacy to be proud of and we wish them all the best for the future.”
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