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HCA in 'listening mode' over offsite construction

Stephen Kinsella, the new director of advanced construction at the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), has said that the organisation is “listening” to the offsite sector over build solutions.

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HCA in 'listening mode' over offsite construction

At Housing 2017 in Manchester today, Mr Kinsella told an audience of housing professionals the HCA is seeking to hear the views of organisations involved in delivering offsite homes.

He said that he’d “love to talk” to suppliers about opportunities.

“I really think over the next few months we need to match up builders and suppliers. We really need to test and get systems working on site,” he added.


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But offsite won’t replace traditional methods of construction – instead it was a “complementary element” that would ensure the sector could build the homes it needs going forward, Mr Kinsella said.

He said the HCA plans to “think very closely” on housing supply and offsite construction requirements on its own land.

Mr Kinsella said: “We absolutely know for sure that we can’t increase the production of homes to the 250,000 homes we will be building by 2020 without non-traditional construction.”

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