A major house builder has been chosen by Bristol City Council’s housing company as its partner on a 1,400-home regeneration scheme.
Countryside Partnerships will form a 50/50 joint venture with Goram Homes to develop Hengrove Park, which will provide 50% affordable housing.
Hengrove Park will be built on the former Whitchurch Airport site. The scheme will provide a new 22 hectare park, as well as a sports pavilion and community space.
A new energy centre containing air-source heat pumps will be developed, connecting the new homes and surrounding businesses to a district heating network.
The homes will be designed to meet an Energy Performance Certificate rating of A.
As part of the construction process, the two partners will work with South Bristol Skills College to deliver an on-site skills academy – a training programme to support people into careers in construction.
Work is expected to commence next year, subject to planning approval.
Hengrove Park is the second development in Bristol being delivered by the two partners. Construction work for One Lockleaze, a development of 268 new homes, is already underway.
Stephen Teagle, chief executive of Countryside Partnerships, said: “By working in partnership with Goram Homes, we can now provide mixed-tenure homes at scale and transform this brownfield site into a thriving new neighbourhood.”
Stephen Baker, managing director of Goram Homes, said: “With its large public park, new community facilities, and homes looking out over beautifully landscaped green spaces, Hengrove Park will be a thriving community for generations to come.”
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