A2Dominion has appointed a resident to its group board for the first time, to ensure it is “including its customers’ voices in every part of the organisation and decision-making”.
Coretta Scott joined the board in January 2025.
She has been a member of the 38,000-home landlord’s customer service committee since 2022 and actively involved in residents’ groups since 2012.
Ms Scott is an asset project delivery manager at Notting Hill Genesis, and has worked in various roles within resident, neighbourhood and housing services.
She has worked in the housing sector since 2006. Ms Scott previously volunteered with Ealing Council as a school appeals panel member and as a peer supporter at Shepherds Bush Housing.
She said she was “excited and honoured” to be appointed to the board.
“Having a seat at the table where decisions are made ensures some representation and enables residents’ views and voices to be heard and understood.
“I look forward to working with the board and the customer service committee to support A2Dominion with helping residents receive the services they need and deserve,” Ms Scott added.
Ian Wardle, chief executive officer at A2Dominion, said: “I am delighted to have Coretta join our group board, and I’m looking forward to working together to improve our organisation.
“Coretta will help ensure our customers’ voices and views are heard and understood at the highest level within the organisation.
“This is a great opportunity for Coretta to help shape the future of A2Dominion’s services to our residents, and for us to have the voice of our customers at the front of our decision-making.”
Resident involvement at every level is a key measure on which social landlords are being judged in the new consumer standard regime.
The landlords receiving the top grades have provided evidence to the regulator that residents’ views directly impact services.
A2Dominion is currently graded non-compliant for governance with the Regulator of Social Housing.
Asked whether the new appointment forms part of its efforts to become compliant again, a spokesperson said the “fundamental” reason for the new role “is that we believe having a customer voice on the board is the right thing to help ensure we are and remain a customer-centric organisation”.
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