Fees paid by landlords to the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) have risen for the second year in a row.
In a letter to registered providers today, the RSH explained that the rises for 2025-26 reflect the outcome of the regulator’s statutory consultation on changes to its fees principles.
Larger providers will be charged £9.80 for each social home they provide, up from the £9.28 per home charge announced last year.
Housing associations with fewer than 1,000 homes will be charged a flat annual fee, but this will now be £682.50, up from £650.
Councils owning more than 1,000 homes will see an increase from £6.63 per home to £7.55.
Organisations will also be charged £3,000 when they apply to become registered social landlords, instead of the current approach whereby landlords pay fees after they have successfully registered.
The RSH originally revealed plans for fee hikes in May 2024 after it published the outcome of its consultation on the changes.
The English regulator said feedback to the consultation was “supportive of RSH’s overall approach”.
It said the higher fees will ensure that it has the “resources, skills and capacity” to deliver its wider regulatory role, which began last April.
The RSH is aiming to implement sweeping reforms to the regulation of social housing that were first proposed more than six years ago in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire.
In its letter today, the RSH said: “As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, these proposals have been discussed with the Fees and Resources Advisory Panel.
“This collaborative approach ensures we remain accountable to the sector in determining our fee structure.”
Speaking after the consultation last year, Fiona MacGregor, chief executive of the RSH, said: “The changes to our fee principles will give us the resources we need to deliver our new regulatory role, which will help to drive long-term improvement in social landlords for the benefit of tenants.
“We are grateful for the feedback we received during the consultation, which we carefully considered in reaching the final outcome.
“We recognise the importance of providing value for money for fee payers and we will continue to focus on regulating in an effective and efficient way.”
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