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London council returns planning service in-house

A London council has taken its planning service back in-house after its outsourcing contract ended.

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Picture: Alamy
Picture: Alamy

A London council has taken its planning service back in-house after its outsourcing contract ended #UKhousing

Several Barnet Council services, including planning, highways and environmental health, returned to in-house control this month after its 10-year joint venture with outsourcing company Capita, which was called Re, concluded.

The move saw around 300 Re staff members transfer to direct employment with the council.

The council plans to continue to return other outsourced services from the private sector.


London council considering bringing housing management service in-houseLondon council considering bringing housing management service in-house
London council to consult on bringing housing services in-houseLondon council to consult on bringing housing services in-house

Barnet Estates – which manages the council’s portfolio of civic buildings, building services, facilities and print – is set to return to council control by September 2023, with HR and finance systems returning in 2024.

However, the council currently has no plans to bring housing management back under its control. This is provided by an arm’s length organisation called Barnet Homes, whose contract with the council runs until at least 2026.

Barnet Council has held outsourcing contracts with Capita since 2013, covering front and back office services.

Barry Rawlings, leader of Barnet Council, said: “We are committed to providing the very best services for our residents, that offer value for money and are accountable to council tax payers. We thank our partners in Re and Capita and welcome the transfer of staff to the council’s in-house team.”

The news comes as several London councils are considering bringing their services back in-house.

Officers at Hammersmith and Fulham Council have recommended that its entire housing management service comes back in-house when the current contract ends in June.

Elsewhere, Lewisham Council officers recommended that its management arm Lewisham Homes, which manages 19,000 properties on behalf of the local authority, should be closed.

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