A Welsh landlord is leading a new pilot scheme to bridge the digital inclusion gap for residents.
North Wales Housing said the Pont Digidol (Digital Bridge) scheme will help residents become “informed, digitally included and confident”.
The landlord is one of two housing associations across Wales to be awarded minimum digital living standards funding by the Welsh government.
Minimum digital living standards set the minimum criteria for the funding, including reliable broadband access, appropriate digital devices, and the basic digital skills needed to use technology confidently and safely.
North Wales Housing’s project aims to support a group of 25 social housing households to access essential digital resources, skills and advice.
These include an ongoing series of sessions with residents, facilitated by Digital Communities Wales.
Claire Shiland, director of operations at North Wales Housing, said: “It is crucial to bridge the digital gap in this region. Statistics show that some 7% of adults in Wales are digitally excluded.
“This is a great opportunity for us to assess and learn about the needs of our residents and our social housing community in North Wales.
“They are telling us they are keen to build confidence and make use of those digital opportunities, not just as residents but in a personal capacity for online finances, keeping in touch with family and friends, making appointments, but crucially being able to do so in a way that keeps them safe online.”
Ms Shiland said that with the help of Digital Communities Wales, the landlord will be able to track the progress of residents who are taking part and be able to identify where need is greatest.
“This project is not just about providing devices or internet access, it is about empowering individuals to engage with digital technology safely, confidently, and in a way that enhances their quality of life,” she added.
There has been an increasing trend over the last 12 months or so of landlords launching skills programmes for residents.
A group of social landlords in the North East of England started a scheme last year to train residents for career-starter roles in the green and low-carbon sector.
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