Ashley Hook, chief executive of Kent-based landlord MHS Homes, will step down in spring 2025.
Mr Hook has spent 15 years in the role after joining MHS Homes as a housing director in 2003. He became chief executive in 2009, overseeing 25% growth during his tenure, the landlord said.
He was previously head of housing at Lewisham Council.
“It’s been a joy to work in an organisation with such a customer-focused and ‘can do’ attitude, and with partners that have supported us every step of the way,” Mr Hook said.
He added that the time was right to step down. “I’m confident we have in place an incredibly talented leadership team that will drive the organisation forward with strong values, integrity and ambition,” Mr Hook said.
The 10,000-home landlord is the largest non-registered social landlord. However its 900-home subsidiary, Heart of Medway Housing Association, is registered with the Regulator of Social Housing.
MHS Homes said it was one of the first non-registered providers to get access to grant funding to build affordable homes and to create a registered provider subsidiary.
Nigel Hopkins, chair of MHS Homes, said that Mr Hook’s leadership had “driven forward its ambition to help end the housing crisis, providing thousands of homes for the people who need them most”.
“Ash is passionate about the communities we serve, and he’s been a champion for Medway and North Kent, its people and its places,” Mr Hopkins said.
“He’s worked tirelessly for more than 20 years and leaves the organisation in a strong position to continue providing quality homes and services across the region.”
In February, Heart of Medway completed phase one of a stock transfer from L&Q for the properties in Dartford and Gravesham.
In December, Heart of Medway secured a £30m investment from the Pension Insurance Corporation.
The landlord said the deal gave it access to flexible, long-dated funding in a challenging macroeconomic environment for the social housing sector.
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