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From the frontline: Scott Taylor

Scott Taylor talks through his work helping residents of Ongo to keep their tenancies

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What does your job involve?

I currently lead on the tenancy sustainability project and work within the tenancy support team.

My role involves supporting tenants aged 54 and under in their homes from day one of their tenancy, while working closely with partner agencies to give a holistic approach to supporting the tenant.

I assist tenants with day-to-day requirements of managing a tenancy and advocating on their behalf to other agencies to achieve positive results.

Day-to-day support can involve supporting with bills, improving financial well-being, making referrals to agencies, budgeting or supporting an individual with other housing-related issues.

What does a good day look like for you?

A good day is achieving positive outcomes for a tenant I’m working with, which makes a difference to their lives.

What are the worst aspects of your job?

I would say there are no bad aspects to my job - I find every day enjoyable. It is so rewarding getting to work with people on a daily basis.

That’s not to say it can’t be challenging at times, but that’s what I enjoy - working through the challenging times to see positive outcomes.

How did you get into housing?

I worked with the police. In my previous role, I worked closely in partnership with a social housing provider. This gave me a taste of housing and the positive impact working in such a role can have on tenants.

I tried my luck and applied - and here I am!

If you could be prime minister for a day, what law would you pass?

I am very much into my sports, especially squash and football.

So I would pass the law of a three-day weekend and make one of the days a compulsory sports day to give everyone the opportunity to get involved in an activity.

Do you think young people are a high enough priority when we talk about housing policy?

At Ongo, we realise young people are our future, so it is important to invest time in working with them and getting them to work with us to improve our services.

If you could pass one piece of advice onto someone starting in your role, what would it be?

Ensure you have vocal rest on week nights and weekends, because you will be doing a lot of communicating throughout the working week!


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