A housing association based in North Wales has created a children’s book for young readers to understand vital lessons about fire safety.
ClwydAlyn has partnered with home life safety brand Aico to launch the Dragon’s Fiery Tale book, which will be distributed to all of the landlord’s residents as a digital download.
The story follows young dragon Spark and brothers Arthur and Seth as they learn how to keep themselves safe from fire hazards.
Launched on World Book Day, key messages in the book include fire prevention, the importance of testing smoke alarms regularly, emergency fire protocol, planning an escape route, the importance of turning appliances off at night and more.
Children are being encouraged to share what they have learned with family and friends, helping to promote fire safety awareness at home for all generations.
James Howsam, compliance and building safety manager at ClwydAlyn, said: “Fire safety awareness is an important issue. Dragon’s Fiery Tale makes learning these potentially life-saving lessons fun and accessible for young children.
“By providing this book to our ClwydAlyn families, we hope to empower children to take a role in fire safety in their homes.”
ClwydAlyn’s compliance and building safety team came up with the idea to produce the book as it is passionate about communication and keen to ensure all residents are aware of how to keep themselves safe at home.
By engaging with children at an early age, the initiative aims to reduce the risk of fire-related incidents and promote safer living environments.
Matt Powell, relationship manager – North Wales and West England at Aico, said: “Home life safety is at the heart of everything we do at Aico, so we were naturally delighted to be part of this project with ClwydAlyn.
“ClwydAlyn is known for pushing the boundaries of innovation to keep their residents safe, and this project is yet another great example of that.”
Inside Housing spoke to the landlord in 2023 about how it is changing its approach to anti-social behaviour by shifting away from punitive measures and focusing on prevention.
At the start of this year, ClwydAlyn named Sandy Murray as executive director of resources and Sian Williams as executive director of people, culture and communications.
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