The Welsh Government has named an independent panel of experts to oversee its review of affordable housing policy.
Housing and regeneration minister Rebecca Evans announced a policy review last month to focus on the delivery and funding of affordable housing in Wales.
In a written statement today, Ms Evans revealed the five panel members who will work under the review’s chair, Lynn Pamment of PwC.
They are:
“I am pleased that we have been able to assemble a panel which offers such a strong cross section of skills and expertise across the breath of the areas being considered by the review,” Ms Evans said in the statement.
“The members bring real insight into housing supply issues and solutions both in Wales and other parts of the UK.
“The panel also offers a deep understanding of the impact the housing sector has on the wider Welsh economy and of innovative methods of achieving even greater impact.”
She will issue a further statement once the panel has met to agree the terms of its consultation.
The panel will recommend changes to affordable housing policy in Wales, with a final report due in April 2019.