The Scottish government has unveiled plans to deliver 100,000 affordable homes over the next decade, with at least 70% of these for social rent.
The target forms part of a new 20-year housing strategy published by the government today, titled Housing to 2040.
Other aims include making all new homes built by councils and housing associations in Scotland to be zero carbon by 2026.
Ministers will also establish a single set of standards for housing quality and accessibility in all homes, regardless of tenure, and establish a new fund to help councils bring empty homes back into use.
Scottish communities secretary Aileen Campbell said: “Housing policy is essential in helping us achieve our ambitions for a fairer, more equal Scotland.
“Housing to 2040 sets out a vision for what we want homes and communities to look and feel like for people regardless of their stage in life or where they live.
“It is a vision where homes are affordable for everyone, where standards are the same across all tenures, where homes have easy access to green space and essential services, and where homelessness, child poverty and fuel poverty have all been eradicated.”
The Scottish National Party government had previously set itself a target to deliver 50,000 affordable homes between 2016 and 2021.
Ms Campbell said it was “on track” to meet that target before the coronavirus pandemic, which has “interrupted the housing sector’s ability” to meet it.
The 50,000 milestone is now expected to be met in 2021/22, with the 100,000 homes target then running until 2032.
Ministers expect the new target to support £16bn of investment in Scotland’s economy and up to 14,000 jobs a year.
According to the most recent official statistics, the last 100,000 affordable homes in Scotland have been delivered over 14 years between September 2006 and September 2020.
Housing to 2040 represents Scotland’s first long-term housing strategy and is based on consultations with more than 2,000 people.
It also names tackling high private rents, supporting development in rural and island areas, and ending homelessness and decarbonisation as key priorities.
Decarbonising all of Scotland’s buildings is expected to cost £33bn between now and 2045.
The strategy also includes a commitment to undertake a “comprehensive audit” of housing and homelessness legislation “to understand how best to realise the right to adequate housing”.
Sally Thomas, chief executive of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), said: “SFHA has long campaigned for an Affordable Housing Supply Programme commitment beyond one parliamentary term in order to tackle housing need and to maintain progress, so we really welcome the priority to deliver 100,000 more affordable homes by 2032.
“It is vital that our members can also invest in their existing stock, and we are pleased to see the commitment to supporting social landlords to do so, particularly important if all homes are to meet the same quality standards in the future.
“We welcome the proposal to mainstream standards of accessibility in order to deliver homes that are future proof and adapt to people’s changing needs.
“We look forward to seeing further detail of the strategy’s proposals and to working with the next government to support our members to deliver great quality homes that meets people’s needs and aspirations in the decades ahead.”
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