Inside Housing reveals the winners of the UK Housing Awards 2024, which showcase success and new ideas, as well as spread learning across the social housing sector
Now in its 27th year, the UK Housing Awards celebrate the remarkable teams and individuals who lead the housing sector by example with their passion and commitment.
The winners and highly commended entrants cover the full gamut of housing in the UK; they include organisations of every size and stripe, working in every part of the nation.
Once again, the entries as a whole are a demonstration of the hard and valuable work being done by social landlords, charities and partners to deliver great outcomes for tenants and residents in the communities they serve.
One landlord takes home two of this year’s awards: Wheatley Group, a Scottish 95,900-home housing association.
Wheatley won the award for excellence in community-led decision-making for its Wyndford regeneration project in Glasgow, as well as the award for best use of data intelligence, which reflected the landlord’s forward-thinking, people-focused approach to tackling anti-social behaviour.
Category | Winner |
Home builder of the year | Great Places Housing Group |
Professional services partner of the year | Sero |
Campaign of the year | Listen Up – Choice Housing Ireland |
Innovator of the year – housing association/local authority | Universal Credit team – Thirteen |
Innovator of the year – independent | Kensa Heat Pumps |
Resident employment and training award | Employment and training team – SKylight |
The neighbourhood transformation award | Gascoigne West Phase 2 – Wates Residential |
Homelessness project of the year | Hope at Home – Flagship Group |
Best older people’s landlord | Sutton Housing Society |
Best supported housing landlord | L&Q Living |
Recruitment or retention campaign of the year | Housewarming – Settle |
Excellence in community-led decision-making | Wheatley Group |
Best use of data intelligence | Prevention and solutions approach – Wheatley Group |
Financial inclusion initiative of the year | Advice services – Citizen Housing |
Partnership of the year – development | St William’s – Housing People Building Communities and Prima Group |
Partnership of the year | Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Supporting People team and Holistic Hoarding |
Council or combined authority of the year | London Borough of Haringey |
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