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PlaceShapers appoints four chief executives to its board

The PlaceShapers group of housing associations has appointed four new members to its board of 10 chief executives.

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PlaceShapers’ office in Peterborough
PlaceShapers’ registered office is in Peterborough (picture: Alamy)

PlaceShapers appoints four chief executives to its board #UKhousing

The PlaceShapers group of housing associations has appointed four new members to its board of 10 chief executives #UKhousing

Donna Cezair from Worthing Homes, Charlie Norman from Mosscare St Vincent’s, Jo Savage of Greatwell Homes and Matt Sugden from Railway Housing Association have all joined the membership group’s board.

“Individually Donna, Charlie, Jo and Matt are outstanding additions. Collectively their diversity in terms of type of organisation, commitment to the value of place-shaping and passion to make a difference will help drive us forward,” said Matthew Walker, PlaceShapers chair and chief executive of Leeds Federated Housing. 

He added: “They build on our ability to respond to the opportunities of a new government with a renewed focus on the value of a place-based approach to housing.”


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The new arrivals replace four board members who stepped down earlier in the year after their six-year terms came to an end.

They are Karbon’s Paul Fiddaman, Jonathan Higgs from Raven Housing Trust, Cath Purdy at South Lakes Housing and Sandra Skeete, former chief executive of Octavia.

“They leave the board with our huge thanks for their contribution and we know they will stay connected to PlaceShapers, even though their board terms have sadly come to an end,” Mr Walker said.

Ms Cezair said she was “delighted” to become part of an organisation “that promotes and champions the positive impacts of working in communities”. “By collaborating and sharing with our partners, we are a dynamic force for good,” she said.

“It’s a great time for PlaceShapers to influence long-term plans with the new government, keep connected with each other and make a difference,” Ms Norman said.

Ms Savage said the appointment would enable Greatwell to “to learn from others and to share from experience the positive impact place-shaping housing associations can have in the areas they work in”.

Mr Sugden added: “Representing a small provider in the North East, I am looking forward to collaborating with a diverse range of organisations to communicate and build upon the impact of the place-shaping work we are doing to support our communities and help them thrive.”

PlaceShapers has more than 100 “place-based” member organisations, which are small and medium-sized housing associations that generally operate within a specific geographic area.

In March, accessible housing specialist Habinteg joined the organisation, and said it hopes to share good practice around inclusive design with members.

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