Preston-based landlord Community Gateway Association (CGA) has embarked on a buying spree, snapping up 430 homes from other housing associations across Preston, Chorley and Blackpool in the past week.
The company completed its largest ever stock acquisition this week, buying 306 properties from Clarion Housing Group in Preston, including general needs homes and a supported housing scheme.
On Friday it completed the purchase of 124 homes from Regenda Group, some of which are shared ownership properties – the first time CGA has owned this type of home.
The acquisitions are part of CGA’s strategy to own 7,000 properties by 2022; it has already built and acquired almost 350 new homes in the past three years and the new properties are close in terms of location to CGA’s existing stock.
Louise Mattinson, executive director of customers and communities at CGA, said: “These are really exciting times for Gateway. We have ambitions to grow, but we will continue to put our tenants at the heart of what we do, and to provide high-quality, affordable homes for the people of Preston and surrounding areas.”
The tenants living in the properties will remain, and the management of the properties will transfer to CGA.
CGA was the first housing association established through the Gateway Model, which focuses on involving the community at all levels of the organisation.
The company was formed in November 2005 from a stock transfer from Preston City Council.