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Major housing associations chosen for Homes England land development scheme

Some large housing associations have been added to a government framework that allows them to bid on Homes England land.

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Some large housing associations have been added to a government framework that allows them to bid on Homes England land #UKhousing

The Delivery Partner Dynamic Purchasing System was introduced last year as a change to the way Homes England selects partners for land disposal. 

The programme primarily includes house builders, but a number of housing associations have been chosen. 

Since last month, Clarion, the UK’s largest housing association, 60,000-home Sovereign, and Gentoo have been added to the scheme. 

Sanctuary, Bromford, Great Places Housing Group, Thirteen and Places for People have also joined the new programme since it was launched in August last year. 


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Organisations on the list can bid for for small sites to build under 70 homes and large ones with capacity for more than 70 units. 

Housing associations selected for the new system can also procure house builders to develop their land in England. 

“If you’re a public sector body or housing association, you can use the DPS [dynamic purchasing system] free of charge to access committed developers and house builders who have all met Homes England’s pre-qualification standards,” according to Homes England. 

Modular firm BoKlok, which is a joint venture between Ikea and Swedish construction giant Skanska, was also added to the framework last week.

Nearly 100 organisations are on the list

Last month, it emerged that more than half of the development sites transferred to Homes England under the government’s flagship Public Land for Housing Programme still have not been disposed of.

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