The deputy chief executive of a newly merged London housing association has announced her departure from the organisation.
Elizabeth Froude, deputy chief executive of Notting Hill Genesis, said today that she was leaving her role.
The former finance director and deputy chief executive of legacy organisation Genesis is not leaving to take up a position elsewhere immediately, but said she wanted to “look for my own personal next step as a chief executive”.
“Although Notting Hill Genesis was formally created only in April 2018, I personally have been working on the amalgamation for more than 18 months,” Ms Froude said.
“It has been both enjoyable and hard work, but the mobilisation of change is now happening in individual teams across the business.
"Therefore, this feels like the right time to move on and look for my own personal next step as a chief executive, something I have been working towards for some time.”
Notting Hill and Genesis merged to form a 64,000-home landlord in April, nine months after they first publicly announced the plans.
The organisation is led by former Notting Hill chief executive Kate Davies and chaired by former Genesis chair Dipesh Shah.
“I am full of admiration for Elizabeth,” said Ms Davies. “She has been an excellent deputy to me and, before that to Neil Hadden [former chief executive] at Genesis, acting up to cover his role on more than one occasion. Alongside Neil and others, Elizabeth was one of the prime movers in making our merger happen, and provided quality leadership on all aspects of finance, operations, culture and governance as we came into existence.”
The departure is not immediate but will take place after “a pre-planned holiday that takes her up to her formal end date”, said a spokesperson for the organisation.