The mayor of London Sadiq Khan has begun the recruitment for a new housing panel to help shape future policy for the capital.
Comprised of groups representing a range of areas in housing, including social housing tenants, homeless households, leaseholders, students and private renters, the new panel will analyse and report to the mayor on topics including estate regeneration, the private rented sector and student housing.
The mayor of London is investing £30,000 into the new panel, with an equivalent amount to be invested by charity Trust for London.
According to the mayor’s office, the new ‘London Housing Panel’ will build on work carried out so far which has seen up to 15 voluntary and community sector organisations develop ways to engage regularly with the mayor, the Greater London Authority and other decision-makers.
James Murray, deputy mayor for housing and residential development, said: “All the mayor’s housing policies have benefited from the input of tenants, campaigners and other Londoners in developing them. The new London Housing Panel will help give organisations a formal way to feed their views into our thinking at City Hall, and I look forward to it being up and running soon.”
Applications for the role of chair for the new panel have opened and will be considered by an independent selection panel, with appointments expected in June. Once appointed, the chair will join the mayor’s Homes for Londoners’ board to ensure that the new panel’s views are represented.