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L&Q becomes third major social landlord to use repairs app

L&Q will trial a new technology platform for its repairs and maintenance service, joining fellow G15 landlords Peabody and Notting Hill Genesis (NHG) in adopting the approach.

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L&Q becomes the third major landlord to sign up to Plentific’s dynamic purchasing system (picture: Getty)
L&Q becomes the third major landlord to sign up to Plentific’s dynamic purchasing system (picture: Getty)

@LQHomesMatter will trial a new technology platform for its repairs and maintenance service, joining fellow G15 landlords Peabody and Notting Hill Genesis in adopting the approach #UKhousing

L&Q, which owns and manages 125,000 homes, announced it has joined Plentific’s ‘dynamic purchasing system’ (DPS), through which social landlords can source local tradespeople to carry out reactive repairs.

Social landlords can access the platform via an app which allows them to select local tradespeople for jobs in the area, improving sustainability, efficiency and value for money, according to L&Q.

Gerri Scott, group director of customer service at L&Q, said: “Using the dynamic purchasing marketplace puts residents in the driving seat, appointing local professionals alongside our existing teams.

“We have high hopes that Plentific will help us to carry out routine repairs and turn around empty homes quickly and to a standard we can all be proud of.”


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The association noted that 66,000-home Peabody – one of the early adopters of the platform – has used the DPS marketplace to complete tens of thousands of jobs that delivered customer satisfaction levels of almost 90%.

Peabody and NHG recently set aside £900m to create an “approved pool” of contractors for the scheme, which is free to sign up to for tradespeople.

Cem Savas, chief executive and co-founder of Plentific, said: “Our work with Peabody and NHG has proven the approach to be effective and we’re excited now to offer in such an easy-to-procure manner for housing providers across the UK.

“We believe that it truly has the potential to change housing and social outcomes as we improve service, reduce costs and put opportunities back into local communities where they belong.”

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