One of the Midlands largest housing association has struck a deal to join one of Homes England’s strategic partnerships.
The 30,000-home WM Housing has joined the Accord-led Matrix Housing Partnership to help it deliver its promise of 2,257 additional homes by 2022.
The other members of the Matrix partnership are: The Pioneer Group, Rooftop Housing Group, Trent & Dove, Trident Group, WATMOS Community Homes, Black Country Housing Group and Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.
Matrix secured more than £77m from Homes England in July last year, as part of the first wave of strategic partnerships agreed by the government’s housing delivery body.
WM Housing has now agreed to deliver 680 of the 2,257 home starts promised by Matrix by March 2022. This will see WM Housing increase its yearly affordable development output from 400 to 550 homes.
Nick Byrne, executive director of development at WM Housing, told Inside Housing that the association had considered bidding in the first two strategic partnership waves but decided against it due to the high delivery commitments.
He said: “The Matrix Housing Partnership is absolutely the right partner for us to be working with because it is made up of organisations we already have great relationships with in our region.”
Mr Byrne said that the group had already earmarked sites to use the Homes England money on in 2019/20 but said the security of the money would allow it to pursue new sites in the future.
Under the agreement with Homes England, WM Housing will still be able to access continuous market engagement funding – Homes England’s other funding stream for individual developments.
The association has also said it would consider using Accord’s Local Homes factory opened last year to deliver some of the houses in its development pipeline, dependent on cost compared with traditional build.
Last month housing secretary James Brokenshire announced that the government would give £497m in grant to its third wave of strategic partners to deliver the 11,000 housing starts by March 2023.
Inside Housing reported that a number of the successful third wave bidders have added or intend to add new associations to their partnerships to deliver more homes.
Under strategic partnerships, housing associations agree to increase their development programmes by a specified number of homes in return for extra funding for the government.
Unlike some other government funding programmes, they can use the new funding flexibly across their development programme, determining the tenure of affordable homes closer to completion following negotiations with Homes England.
The following housing associations were confirmed as strategic partners on 30 January 2019:
Housing association | Grant | No of additional starts to March 2022 |
Bromford | £66.4m | 1,400 |
Curo and Swan | £51.1m | 1,067 |
Liverpool Mutual Homes and Torus | £66.4m | 1,757 |
Longhurst and Nottingham Community Housing Association | £71.7m | 1,685 |
Together Housing Group | £53m | 1,152 |
WHG | £38.7m | 1,000 |
Yorkshire Housing | £61.8m | 1,300 |
Your Housing Group | £87.5m | 2,315 |
Homes England announced the following partnerships in October 2018:
Housing association | Grant | No of additional starts to 31 March 2022 |
Guinness/Stonewater | £224m | 4,500 |
Optivo | £44.9m | 1,000 |
Orbit | £128.8m | 2,762 |
Platform Housing Group | £71.8m | 1,800 |
Southern Housing Group | £55.1m | 1,005 |
Thirteen | £40m | 1,000 |
Vivid | £88.2m | 1,408 |
Table published by Homes England on 31 October 2018
Homes England also earlier this year confirmed the following partnerships:
Housing association | Grant | No of additional affordable starts to 31 March 2022 |
EMH Group | £30.5m | 748 |
Great Places | £29.2m | 750 |
Home Group | £85m | 2,300 |
Hyde | £95.4m | 1,623 |
L&Q | £85m | 1,724 |
Matrix Partnership | £77m | 2,257 |
Places for People | £74m | 2,603 |
Sovereign/Liverty | £111.5m | 2,275 |
Table published by Homes England on 3 July 2018