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Landlord appoints interim chief executive three months after previous boss announced Riverside departure

Accent has announced an interim chief executive around three months after Paul Dolan revealed he would leave for Riverside.

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Sarah Ireland
Sarah Ireland has been promoted into the interim chief executive role (picture: Accent)

Landlord announces interim chief executive around three months after previous boss left for Riverside #UKhousing

Sarah Ireland has been promoted into the interim chief executive role following the announcement Mr Dolan had decided to move in January after nearly seven years in the top job at Accent. 

Ms Ireland joined the 20,700-home housing association in 2018 as executive director of development and growth, before widening her remit to include oversight of Accent’s strategy. 

The landlord also praised her for “establishing herself as a strong leader” while developing both asset management and development and growth strategies that balance significant investment in existing and new homes.


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Accent said that under Ms Ireland’s leadership, she had delivered a pipeline of land-led development schemes with more than 1,000 new affordable homes currently under construction, being built to high environmental standards.

On her new role, she said: “My ambition for the next few months is to embed the foundation stones for the delivery of our new three-year corporate strategy across the organisation; invest in our success with new digital systems and start to grow our profile and impact – to ensure that we deliver even more for our customers.

“My view is that this basic housing provision provides one of the key elements in creating opportunity for the next generation and that is why I am so committed to delivering the principles set out in our asset management strategy.”

Tom Miskell, group chair of Accent, expressed the board’s delight at appointing Ms Ireland to the role.

He said: “Sarah’s strategic and visionary approach are poised to drive continued growth, innovation and customer impact as we embark on our new corporate strategy. 

“Under her strong stewardship and the strong leadership team Paul Dolan has developed, Accent is primed to continue moving forward ensuring this transition period is smooth for our colleagues and customers.”

Filling in for Ms Ireland as executive director of strategy and growth, Amina Graham joined Accent on an interim basis on Monday 8 April.

She brings a wealth of senior-level management experience and has had a long career at Marks & Spencer followed by 15 years in the housing sector at RHP, L&Q and Housing 21. 

Recruitment for the permanent chief executive begins in the coming weeks and is being led by external recruitment agency EMA Consultancy.

At the end of last year, Accent revealed that it was mapping flood-risk areas and investigating overheating in its properties as part of its environmental, social and governance strategy.

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