A housing association in Salford has partnered with an NHS trust to build a development exclusively for local hospital staff.
Salix Homes is working with Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust to deliver the 26-home scheme, which will house doctors, nurses and other clinical staff working for the trust.
It is believed to be one of the first projects of its kind, initiated after Salford Royal found that it was struggling to fill 200 vacancies, with a lack of affordable accommodation a major barrier.
Salix, which owns and manages around 8,000 homes, is spending more than £2m converting Alexander Gardens, a former sheltered housing complex in Broughton, into new one and two-bedroom apartments.
The scheme was part-funded by a £780,000 grant from the Homes England Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme.
Homes will be let fully furnished to new Salford Royal workers for six months as part of an employment package.
“It’s no secret that the country is in the grips of a housing crisis, but it really brings it home when our own local hospital cannot recruit staff due to a severe shortage of suitable and affordable accommodation,” said Sue Sutton, executive director of operations at Salix.
“We believe this project to be among the first of its kind in the country and shows the importance of the health and housing industries working together to help overcome some of the most critical issues facing our sectors.”
Ian Moston, director of finance and information at Salford Royal, said “Through this partnership with Salix Homes we hope to provide people choosing to come to Salford with good quality, affordable housing while they establish themselves in the city on a long-term basis.
“We hope this venture with Salix Homes is the first of many areas where we believe we can collaborate to improve the health and well-being of people living and working in Salford, and the area and can become a template for other communities.”
Thames Valley Housing, which owns around 15,000 homes in London and the South East, has nine keyworker schemes developed for NHS trusts which prioritise clinical staff.
Alexander Gardens has been empty since it was severely damaged by flooding on Boxing Day in 2015 and its residents were rehoused.
Refurbishment and remodelling work carried out by Salix and its contractor A. Connolly is due to be completed this summer, with the first residents expected to move in during October.
Paul Dennett, mayor of Salford, said: “This unique project is one we are extremely proud of in Salford.
“Salix Homes and the NHS have worked closely together to pull this together, in conjunction with our bid to Homes England to support the scheme.
“There is a national shortage of affordable homes –and a national crisis in housing – so anything that can support the fabulous staff who work tirelessly for the NHS and bring more of their workers to our city is welcomed.”