Housing association BPHA has reported a 44% jump in surplus as it continues its focus on the Oxford to Cambridge corridor.
The Bedford-based landlord, which operates 18,000 homes, revealed that its pre-tax surplus rose to £41.7m in the year to March 31 2018.
BPHA, which employs around 400 people, said the rise in surplus was helped by “strong contributions from first tranche shared ownership sales”.
The association’s overall margin increased to 47.2%, up from 44.8% in 2017, as it said “operating efficiencies offset the impact of rent cuts”.
Revenue in the period slipped from £122.4m to £117.3m, BPHA said.
Paul Gray, chief financial officer at BPHA, branded it a “strong” performance as it benefited in operating in an an area with a “high demand for affordable homes”.
In last Autumn’s budget the government unveiled plans to build a million homes in the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford corridor by 2050.
Mr Gray added: “Our business model focuses upon a tightly defined core operational area across the Oxford to Cambridge corridor, which enables us to maintain close cost control, operate efficiently and thereby deliver value for money,” he said.
BPHA’s stable footing was underlined last November when it retained its A+ rating from ratings agency Standard & Poor’s.
The association’s debt in the year dropped to £731.4m, down from £737.8m the prior year.
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