Boris Johnson faced a grilling today over revelations in Inside Housing that large London landlords had shunned his grant programme.
Labour members of the London Assembly pressed the mayor of London on whether the grant programme was undersubscribed when the deadline for bidding passed on 10 March.
Representatives from City Hall approached providers after the deadline, after a deadlock on grant rates and conditions had cooled appetite for funding.
The Greater London Authority announced £404m of funding to 54 providers out of a total £1.25bn pot on Tuesday, but many big providers did not bid or entered reduced bids.
‘Why are these substantial housing associations not choosing to bid and be part of your scheme surely they should be biting off your hand?’ said Labour assembly member Len Duvall.
‘They are walking away, they are not playing, and it’s not some ideological thing they are saying this does not meet the needs of our poorest tenants. That’s what they are saying in Inside Housing.’
Mr Johnson replied: ‘We would like to see a greater scale of ambition from the housing associations but the numbers are very encouraging.
‘We are seeing good uptake by a great many, by 54 providers across London. In people not being energetic as they might have been, I would urge them to come forward, not sit on their surpluses, and start building in London.’