English social landlords spent a record £6.5bn on repairs in 2021-22, with wide variations across the sector. Find out who is spending what and what landlords think will happen next. Caroline Thorpe reports. Illustration by Tilly aka Running For Crayons
English housing associations spent a record £6.5bn on repairs and maintenance in 2021-22, according to Inside Housing’s annual review of their financial accounts.
Using data from associations’ financial submissions to the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH), our analysis shows that in the year to March 2022, landlords collectively spent 20% more on repairs and maintenance than during the previous 12 months.
The significant rise – forecast by landlords and industry experts – follows a 5.3% fall in repairs and maintenance spending during the previous financial year and reflects increased ‘catch-up’ work following the COVID-19 lockdowns of the preceding years, which disrupted service provision. However, the £6.5bn figure for 2021-22 is also significantly higher than pre-pandemic spending, with building safety programmes and tackling the sector’s damp and mould crisis also contributing to the hike, as well as inflationary pressures. Some landlords cited supply chain issues and labour shortages as increased cost drivers.
The £6.5bn spend is the total for the 204 associations that submitted accounts, and compares with £5.4bn for the same group of organisations the previous year (*see note at the end of the main table, below). In 2018-19, the final financial year before the pandemic hit, the group’s total repairs and maintenance bill was also £5.4bn. The total spend for each association combines its planned maintenance, routine maintenance, major repairs and capitalised major repairs spending. Capitalising repairs includes the cost of the work in the value of the property, rather than accounting for it as a one-off cost.
Spending increased in all four categories. The largest rise was to capitalised major repairs costs, which were up 37.5% to £2.2bn. Spending on routine maintenance was marginally higher at £2.6bn, a 13% increase. Planned maintenance and major repairs expenditure totalled £1.1bn (up 11.5%) and £640m (up 17.6%) respectively.
Housing association | Total R&M spend 2022 (£’000) | Total R&M spend 2021 (£’s000) | % change | Capitalised major repairs 2022 (£’000) | Major repairs expenditure 2022 (£’000) | Planned maintenance spend 2022 (£’000) | Routine maintenance spend 2022 (£’000) | Number of homes owned/managed | Spend per home |
A2Dominion | 64,630 | 65,392 | -1.2 | 15,134 | 14,290 | 10,189 | 25,017 | 28,231 | £2,289.33 |
Abri | 64,334 | 54,656 | 17.7 | 9,415 | 15,216 | 6,701 | 33,002 | 33,012 | £1,948.81 |
Accent | 41,366 | 30,852 | 34.1 | 13,451 | 0 | 9,288 | 18,627 | 19,018 | £2,175.10 |
Acis | 14,045 | 10,693 | 31.3 | 5,964 | 1,990 | 1,048 | 5,043 | 6,544 | £2,146.24 |
Advance Housing and Support | 6,932 | 5,742 | 20.7 | 779 | 372 | 2,920 | 2,861 | 2,275 | £3,047.03 |
Arawak Walton | 2,412 | 1,958 | 23.2 | 790 | 220 | 417 | 985 | 1,107 | £2,178.86 |
Arches Housing | 2,891 | 2,194 | 31.8 | 933 | 107 | 590 | 1,261 | 1,300 | £2,223.85 |
Aspire Housing | 18,055 | 12,910 | 39.9 | 5,915 | 0 | 5,350 | 6,790 | 9,227 | £1,956.76 |
Aster | 68,812 | 56,318 | 22.2 | 20,320 | 20,530 | 9,994 | 17,968 | 33,333 | £2,064.38 |
B3 Living | 12,136 | 10,481 | 15.8 | 4,792 | 0 | 2,229 | 5,115 | 4,290 | £2,828.90 |
Believe Housing | 41,673 | 32,513 | 28.2 | 17,110 | 4,835 | 3,176 | 16,552 | 18,154 | £2,295.53 |
Bernicia | 31,951 | 25,314 | 26.2 | 10,735 | 4,405 | 5,080 | 11,731 | 13,795 | £2,316.13 |
Beyond Housing | 33,655 | 24,087 | 39.7 | 9,234 | 7,244 | 3,898 | 13,279 | 15,107 | £2,227.78 |
Black Country Housing Group | 3,414 | 2,817 | 21.2 | 1,203 | 0 | 374 | 1,837 | 2,195 | £1,555.35 |
Bolton at Home | 38,581 | 33,290 | 15.9 | 16,270 | 543 | 3,580 | 18,188 | 18,812 | £2,050.87 |
Bournemouth Churches Housing Association | 2,285 | 2,388 | -4.3 | 44 | 229 | 913 | 1,099 | 1,348 | £1,695.10 |
Bournville Village Trust | 8,316 | 7,031 | 18.3 | 2,013 | 663 | 1,860 | 3,780 | 3,902 | £2,131.21 |
BPHA | 35,271 | 25,531 | 38.1 | 20,485 | 0 | 4,875 | 9,911 | 17,124 | £2,059.74 |
Brighter Places | 8,966 | 3,660 | 145.0 | 1,645 | 54 | 991 | 6,276 | 3,190 | £2,810.66 |
Broadacres | 19,535 | 12,785 | 52.8 | 4,917 | 7,655 | 889 | 6,074 | 6,559 | £2,978.35 |
Broadland Housing | 13,477 | 12,141 | 11.0 | 4,748 | 1,822 | 2,304 | 4,603 | 5,549 | £2,428.73 |
Bromford | 96,090 | 76,322 | 25.9 | 42,428 | 7,567 | 16,652 | 29,443 | 42,222 | £2,275.83 |
Bromsgrove District Housing Trust | 10,559 | 7,921 | 33.3 | 6,537 | 0 | 998 | 3,024 | 4,064 | £2,598.18 |
Brunelcare | 2,072 | 961 | 115.6 | 1,285 | 171 | 54 | 562 | 1,113 | £1,861.64 |
Calico Homes | 8,794 | 6,104 | 44.1 | 3,231 | 861 | 1,281 | 3,421 | 5,308 | £1,656.74 |
Castles & Coasts | 15,317 | 11,563 | 32.5 | 5,005 | 1,456 | 3,589 | 5,267 | 6,732 | £2,275.25 |
Catalyst | 75,157 | 50,823 | 47.9 | 27,921 | 8,570 | 9,826 | 28,840 | 30,802 | £2,440.00 |
CHP | 18,118 | 13,344 | 35.8 | 4,120 | 1,540 | 5,009 | 7,449 | 10,202 | £1,775.93 |
Cheshire Peaks & Plains Housing Trust | 11,789 | 11,548 | 2.1 | 5,295 | 854 | 2,690 | 2,950 | 5,211 | £2,262.33 |
Christian Action (Enfield) Housing Association | 4,112 | 4,872 | -15.6 | 1,194 | 0 | 297 | 2,621 | 1,561 | £2,634.21 |
Citizen | 58,916 | 41,552 | 41.8 | 11,665 | 12,151 | 6,024 | 29,076 | 28,866 | £2,041.02 |
Clarion | 363,000 | 289,245 | 25.5 | 135,500 | 29,000 | 61,400 | 137,100 | 109,802 | £3,305.95 |
Coastline Housing | 12,301 | 9,696 | 26.9 | 2,882 | 1,374 | 6,421 | 1,624 | 5,053 | £2,434.40 |
Cobalt Housing | 7,706 | 8,222 | -6.3 | 1,999 | 408 | 1,282 | 4,017 | 5,810 | £1,326.33 |
Community Gateway Association | 11,520 | 10,415 | 10.6 | 2,882 | 1,187 | 1,830 | 5,621 | 6,678 | £1,725.07 |
Connect Housing Association | 5,927 | 5,358 | 10.6 | 1,181 | 288 | 1,413 | 3,045 | 3,419 | £1,733.55 |
Connexus Homes | 25,922 | 15,944 | 62.6 | 11,503 | 0 | 734 | 13,685 | 10,485 | £2,472.29 |
Cornerstone Housing | 2,937 | 2,920 | 0.6 | 1,087 | 769 | 219 | 862 | 1,410 | £2,082.98 |
Cottsway | 9,088 | 6,044 | 50.4 | 3,377 | 718 | 1,913 | 3,080 | 5,189 | £1,751.40 |
Cross Keys Homes | 24,453 | 21,547 | 13.5 | 9,635 | 0 | 7,616 | 7,202 | 12,224 | £2,000.41 |
Croydon Churches Housing Association | 2,990 | 2,676 | 11.7 | 571 | 0 | 588 | 1,831 | 1,429 | £2,092.37 |
Curo | 35,389 | 26,994 | 31.1 | 11,527 | 10,123 | 0 | 13,739 | 12,633 | £2,801.31 |
Durham Aged Mineworkers’ Homes Association | 4,090 | 3,581 | 14.2 | 1,367 | 0 | 75 | 2,648 | 1,838 | £2,225.24 |
East End Homes | 9,931 | 9,922 | 0.1 | 6,072 | 256 | 332 | 3,271 | 2,259 | £4,396.19 |
EMH Group | 32,521 | 23,680 | 37.3 | 12,933 | 7 | 2,120 | 17,461 | 19,501 | £1,667.66 |
Eastlight Community Homes | 23,907 | 21,314 | 12.2 | 5,894 | 5,448 | 4,739 | 7,826 | 12,149 | £1,967.82 |
Eden Housing Association | 3,281 | 2,609 | 25.8 | 1,594 | 0 | 296 | 1,391 | 1,988 | £1,650.40 |
Empowering People Inspiring Communities | 1,457 | 995 | 46.4 | 218 | 753 | 0 | 486 | 1,389 | £1,048.96 |
English Rural Housing Association | 2,351 | 1,739 | 35.2 | 454 | 691 | 521 | 685 | 1,332 | £1,765.02 |
Estuary Housing Association | 11,031 | 10,410 | 6.0 | 2,811 | 2,002 | 1,232 | 4,986 | 4,295 | £2,568.34 |
Fairhive Homes | 25,546 | n/a | n/a | 5,220 | 5,549 | 2,602 | 12,175 | 7,922 | £3,224.69 |
First Choice Homes Oldham | 29,563 | 20,872 | 41.6 | 9,867 | 7,659 | 3,957 | 8,080 | 11,361 | £2,602.15 |
First Garden Cities Homes | 2,919 | 2,975 | -1.9 | 748 | 871 | 489 | 811 | 2,281 | £1,279.70 |
Flagship | 77,935 | 55,690 | 39.9 | 39,982 | 0 | 5,693 | 32,260 | 31,178 | £2,499.68 |
ForHousing | 34,865 | 31,146 | 11.9 | 12,977 | 1,968 | 5,473 | 14,447 | 23,294 | £1,496.74 |
Framework Housing Association | 4,606 | 3,780 | 21.9 | 266 | 0 | 0 | 4,340 | 1,297 | £3,551.27 |
Freebridge Community Housing | 14,964 | 11,135 | 34.4 | 2,069 | 5,369 | 1,371 | 6,155 | 6,835 | £2,189.32 |
Futures Housing Group | 19,155 | 16,966 | 12.9 | 8,466 | 2,141 | 3,422 | 5,126 | 9,969 | £1,921.46 |
Gateway Housing Association | 9,190 | 8,242 | 11.5 | 2,790 | 1,652 | 2,076 | 2,672 | 2,823 | £3,255.40 |
Gentoo | 80,380 | 66,207 | 21.4 | 32,416 | 4,986 | 8,388 | 34,590 | 28,865 | £2,784.69 |
Gloucester City Homes | 11,048 | 9,675 | 14.2 | 6,296 | 54 | 435 | 4,263 | 4,690 | £2,355.65 |
Golden Lane Housing | 4,793 | 3,132 | 53.0 | 423 | 1,523 | 1,346 | 1,501 | 2,482 | £1,931.10 |
Golding Homes | 21,109 | 16,381 | 28.9 | 4,107 | 0 | 6,133 | 10,869 | 7,554 | £2,794.41 |
Grand Union Housing Group | 28,792 | 26,828 | 7.3 | 6,376 | 7,049 | 3,227 | 12,140 | 12,262 | £2,348.07 |
Great Places Housing Group | 34,613 | 32,992 | 4.9 | 10,204 | 9,132 | 2,935 | 12,342 | 21,657 | £1,598.24 |
Greatwell Homes | 11,008 | 9,926 | 10.9 | 3,704 | 1,568 | 730 | 5,006 | 5,164 | £2,131.68 |
GreenSquareAccord | 54,171 | 19,531 | 177.4 | 10,626 | 0 | 18,814 | 24,731 | 25,463 | £2,127.44 |
Habinteg | 8,747 | 5,966 | 46.6 | 3,249 | 744 | 1,222 | 3,532 | 3,370 | £2,595.55 |
Halton Housing | 14,123 | 12,846 | 9.9 | 3,333 | 1,875 | 1,970 | 6,945 | 7,161 | £1,972.21 |
Anchor | 88,236 | 90,431 | -2.4 | 37,249 | 0 | 29,029 | 21,958 | 42,883 | £2,057.60 |
Hastoe | 9,985 | 10,750 | -7.1 | 2,164 | 2,506 | 733 | 4,582 | 5,073 | £1,968.26 |
Havebury Housing Partnership | 15,262 | 12,755 | 19.7 | 2,934 | 3,250 | 1,927 | 7,151 | 7,074 | £2,157.48 |
Hexagon | 19,002 | 11,541 | 64.6 | 10,521 | 2,208 | 1,711 | 4,562 | 4,331 | £4,387.44 |
Heylo Housing | 0 | n/a | n/a | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5,280 | £0.00 |
Hightown | 9,874 | 7,921 | 24.7 | 2,346 | 1,981 | 874 | 4,673 | 6,652 | £1,484.37 |
Home Group | 110,207 | 84,395 | 30.6 | 26,368 | 13,018 | 22,212 | 48,609 | 50,908 | £2,164.83 |
Honeycomb Group | 4,653 | 3,783 | 23.0 | 641 | 983 | 536 | 2,493 | 3,227 | £1,441.90 |
Housing 21 | 56,498 | 39,830 | 41.8 | 31,865 | 1,853 | 8,206 | 14,574 | 20,497 | £2,756.40 |
Housing Plus Group | 37,715 | 29,796 | 26.6 | 10,997 | 0 | 16,084 | 10,634 | 18,794 | £2,006.76 |
Housing Solutions | 11,164 | 9,537 | 17.1 | 2,918 | 0 | 4,416 | 3,830 | 5,910 | £1,889.00 |
Hundred Houses Society | 2,756 | 1,797 | 53.4 | 460 | 407 | 812 | 1,077 | 1,521 | £1,811.97 |
Hyde | 78,973 | 71,802 | 10.0 | 30,006 | 2,684 | 19,254 | 27,029 | 39,427 | £2,003.02 |
Inclusion Housing | 6,733 | 5,317 | 26.6 | 0 | 0 | 3,619 | 3,114 | 3,625 | £1,857.38 |
Incommunities | 29,757 | 36,211 | -17.8 | 6,060 | 905 | 4,350 | 18,442 | 21,572 | £1,379.43 |
Industrial Dwellings Society | 3,952 | 3,926 | 0.7 | 1,213 | 82 | 82 | 2,575 | 1,421 | £2,781.14 |
Inquilab | 3,285 | 3,322 | -1.1 | 671 | 250 | 789 | 1,575 | 1,338 | £2,455.16 |
Irwell Valley Housing Association | 15,238 | 15,113 | 0.8 | 6,081 | 84 | 1,985 | 7,088 | 7,364 | £2,069.26 |
Islington and Shoreditch Housing Association | 8,255 | 8,406 | -1.8 | 1,710 | 238 | 1,359 | 4,948 | 2,349 | £3,514.26 |
Jigsaw Homes | 59,196 | 39,615 | 49.4 | 6,054 | 5,337 | 21,276 | 26,529 | 34,444 | £1,718.62 |
Johnnie Johnson Housing Trust | 7,756 | 7,818 | -0.8 | 2,622 | 0 | 2,356 | 2,778 | 4,961 | £1,563.39 |
Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust | 4,101 | 2,697 | 52.1 | 1,554 | 252 | 940 | 1,355 | 2,208 | £1,857.34 |
Karbon Homes | 56,227 | 45,725 | 23.0 | 20,272 | 0 | 9,162 | 26,793 | 28,474 | £1,974.68 |
Leeds and Yorkshire Housing Association | 3,058 | 3,031 | 0.9 | 1,149 | 282 | 438 | 1,189 | 1,668 | £1,833.33 |
Leeds Federated Housing Association | 9,967 | 7,960 | 25.2 | 3,238 | 1,635 | 714 | 4,380 | 4,378 | £2,276.61 |
Legal & General Affordable Homes | 647 | n/a | n/a | 0 | 0 | 0 | 647 | 1,256 | £515.13 |
LHP | 24,633 | 18,678 | 31.9 | 15,067 | 0 | 604 | 8,962 | 12,210 | £2,017.44 |
LiveWest | 73,915 | 58,000 | 27.4 | 16,169 | 21,838 | 10,326 | 25,582 | 36,245 | £2,039.32 |
Livin Housing | 16,753 | 12,174 | 37.6 | 6,606 | 798 | 817 | 8,532 | 8,641 | £1,938.78 |
Livv Housing Group | 23,702 | 24,382 | -2.8 | 7,255 | 3,080 | 0 | 13,367 | 12,986 | £1,825.20 |
Local Space | 6,152 | 6,563 | -6.3 | 3,012 | 0 | 669 | 2,471 | 1,305 | £4,714.18 |
L&Q | 261,788 | 179,794 | 45.6 | 70,773 | 0 | 44,729 | 146,286 | 88,336 | £2,963.55 |
Longhurst | 36,778 | 35,499 | 3.6 | 12,394 | 855 | 7,857 | 15,672 | 22,131 | £1,661.83 |
Look Ahead Care and Support | 9,058 | 7,010 | 29.2 | 6,493 | 67 | 0 | 2,498 | 2,569 | £3,525.89 |
Magenta Living | 30,257 | 25,929 | 16.7 | 2,619 | 8,788 | 6,681 | 12,169 | 12,704 | £2,381.69 |
Magna Housing | 19,232 | 14,111 | 36.3 | 5,814 | 3,067 | 3,252 | 7,099 | 8,393 | £2,291.43 |
Manningham Housing Association | 1,948 | 1,670 | 16.6 | 494 | 46 | 525 | 883 | 1,394 | £1,397.42 |
Metropolitan Thames Valley | 99,407 | 95,122 | 4.5 | 40,452 | 1,094 | 21,327 | 36,534 | 46,463 | £2,139.49 |
Midland Heart | 60,917 | 53,592 | 13.7 | 17,643 | 8,760 | 8,623 | 25,891 | 32,381 | £1,881.26 |
Moat Homes | 31,557 | 24,608 | 28.2 | 8,764 | 5,034 | 4,447 | 13,312 | 18,291 | £1,725.27 |
Mosscare St Vincent’s | 19,664 | 17,914 | 9.8 | 6,059 | 0 | 2,677 | 10,928 | 8,437 | £2,330.69 |
Mount Green Housing Association | 4,333 | 3,362 | 28.9 | 1,437 | 213 | 1,277 | 1,406 | 1,539 | £2,815.46 |
Muir Group | 11,681 | 11,182 | 4.5 | 3,517 | 903 | 2,268 | 4,993 | 5,564 | £2,099.39 |
Nehemiah United Churches Housing Association | 2,591 | 2,127 | 21.8 | 835 | 0 | 697 | 1,059 | 1,228 | £2,109.93 |
Network Homes | 42,330 | 39,853 | 6.2 | 14,346 | 478 | 9,065 | 18,441 | 17,918 | £2,362.43 |
Newlon Housing Trust | 21,060 | 23,511 | -10.4 | 4,722 | 215 | 7,317 | 8,806 | 7,421 | £2,837.89 |
North Devon Homes | 8,519 | 6,817 | 25.0 | 1,905 | 1,902 | 1,289 | 3,423 | 3,342 | £2,549.07 |
North London Muslim Housing Association | 2,428 | n/a | n/a | 820 | 544 | 243 | 821 | 1,018 | £2,385.07 |
North Star Housing Group | 8,753 | 6,699 | 30.7 | 2,867 | 1,187 | 1,588 | 3,111 | 3,830 | £2,285.38 |
Notting Hill Genesis | 146,500 | 134,000 | 9.3 | 19,400 | 43,200 | 7,600 | 76,300 | 54,282 | £2,698.87 |
Nottingham Community Housing Association | 20,052 | 15,329 | 30.8 | 3,652 | 5,258 | 2,656 | 8,486 | 9,989 | £2,007.41 |
NSAH | 16,279 | 13,383 | 21.6 | 4,478 | 2,561 | 2,034 | 7,206 | 6,912 | £2,355.18 |
Ocean Housing Group | 8,755 | 6,817 | 28.4 | 3,112 | 507 | 2,072 | 3,064 | 4,689 | £1,867.14 |
Octavia Housing | 15,490 | 13,937 | 11.1 | 4,293 | 531 | 2,063 | 8,603 | 5,016 | £3,088.12 |
One Manchester | 22,045 | 18,130 | 21.6 | 8,366 | 3,501 | 2,035 | 8,143 | 11,941 | £1,846.16 |
One Vision Housing | 36,029 | 33,465 | 7.7 | 11,277 | 9,317 | 7,905 | 7,530 | 12,915 | £2,789.70 |
Ongo Homes | 17,105 | 15,602 | 9.6 | 6,085 | 1,680 | 2,744 | 6,596 | 10,276 | £1,664.56 |
Onward Group | 71,601 | 60,474 | 18.4 | 17,985 | 1,889 | 20,160 | 31,567 | 30,282 | £2,364.47 |
Optivo | 108,382 | 102,683 | 5.6 | 18,572 | 6,882 | 51,431 | 31,497 | 41,110 | £2,636.39 |
Orbit | 89,965 | 73,305 | 22.7 | 41,507 | 0 | 16,154 | 32,304 | 39,808 | £2,259.97 |
Origin Housing | 22,819 | 15,715 | 45.2 | 9,754 | 0 | 5,196 | 7,869 | 6,470 | £3,526.89 |
Orwell Housing Association | 5,701 | 6,535 | -12.8 | 1,263 | 0 | 1,242 | 3,196 | 4,085 | £1,395.59 |
Paradigm | 28,591 | 26,226 | 9.0 | 5,531 | 0 | 9,927 | 13,133 | 14,918 | £1,916.54 |
PA Housing | 59,662 | 46,040 | 29.6 | 19,625 | 175 | 19,699 | 20,163 | 21,351 | £2,794.34 |
Peabody | 210,056 | 159,730 | 31.5 | 112,531 | 0 | 43,449 | 54,076 | 59,920 | £3,505.61 |
Phoenix Community Housing Association | 17,567 | 13,853 | 26.8 | 4,315 | 1,367 | 3,160 | 8,725 | 6,526 | £2,691.85 |
Pickering and Ferens Homes | 2,562 | 2,072 | 23.6 | 902 | 435 | 383 | 842 | 1,392 | £1,840.52 |
Places for People | 130,468 | 115,082 | 13.4 | 63,779 | 2,990 | 16,628 | 47,071 | 75,184 | £1,735.32 |
Platform Housing Group | 72,648 | 55,753 | 30.3 | 15,650 | 10,393 | 5,353 | 41,252 | 45,477 | £1,597.47 |
Plus Dane | 32,127 | 27,585 | 16.5 | 10,786 | 3,474 | 0 | 17,867 | 13,268 | £2,421.39 |
Plymouth Community Homes | 38,541 | 33,864 | 13.8 | 10,874 | 8,187 | 4,567 | 14,913 | 14,419 | £2,672.93 |
Poplar HARCA | 21,634 | 14,281 | 51.5 | 8,412 | 2,754 | 185 | 10,283 | 5,617 | £3,851.52 |
Prima Housing Group | 6,902 | 4,732 | 45.9 | 2,260 | 450 | 1,845 | 2,347 | 2,651 | £2,603.55 |
Progress Housing Group | 31,681 | 24,565 | 29.0 | 10,016 | 6,806 | 3,154 | 11,705 | 11,002 | £2,879.57 |
Railway Housing Association | 3,501 | 2,758 | 26.9 | 1,273 | 0 | 118 | 2,110 | 1,519 | £2,304.81 |
Raven Housing Trust | 20,002 | 15,107 | 32.4 | 3,853 | 6,730 | 1,631 | 7,788 | 6,350 | £3,149.92 |
Red Kite Community Housing | 18,258 | 16,112 | 13.3 | 4,103 | 7,366 | 2,274 | 4,515 | 5,588 | £3,267.36 |
Regenda | 27,492 | 24,645 | 11.6 | 8,026 | 663 | 9,507 | 9,296 | 12,201 | £2,253.26 |
RHP | 26,041 | 18,767 | 38.8 | 10,349 | 4,480 | 6,457 | 4,755 | 9,011 | £2,889.91 |
Riverside | 155,696 | 97,082 | 60.4 | 40,288 | 40,405 | 31,077 | 43,926 | 68,624 | £2,268.83 |
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing | 29,785 | 20,436 | 45.7 | 11,013 | 2,654 | 5,010 | 11,108 | 12,532 | £2,376.72 |
Rooftop Housing Group | 13,294 | 8,409 | 58.1 | 3,352 | 0 | 2,703 | 7,239 | 6,479 | £2,051.86 |
Saffron Housing Trust | 13,094 | 11,112 | 17.8 | 5,388 | 227 | 306 | 7,173 | 6,554 | £1,997.86 |
Sage Housing | 1,162 | 540 | 115.2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,162 | 3,962 | £293.29 |
Sage Rented | 1,228 | 142 | 764.8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,228 | 3,321 | £369.77 |
Salix Homes | 18,604 | 20,134 | -7.6 | 7,317 | 238 | 2,388 | 8,661 | 7,935 | £2,344.55 |
Salvation Army Housing Association | 9,787 | 6,463 | 51.4 | 4,854 | 545 | 0 | 4,388 | 3,634 | £2,693.18 |
Sanctuary | 193,100 | 156,700 | 23.2 | 73,900 | 0 | 32,600 | 86,600 | 80,598 | £2,395.84 |
Saxon Weald | 16,369 | 12,162 | 34.6 | 5,454 | 1,402 | 2,957 | 6,556 | 6,155 | £2,659.46 |
Selwood Housing Society | 20,482 | 17,245 | 18.8 | 5,790 | 4,506 | 4,912 | 5,274 | 6,826 | £3,000.59 |
Settle | 22,017 | 15,735 | 39.9 | 8,294 | 0 | 4,220 | 9,503 | 9,015 | £2,442.26 |
Shepherds Bush Housing Association | 22,122 | 15,044 | 47.0 | 10,598 | 0 | 3,876 | 7,648 | 4,864 | £4,548.11 |
Silva Homes | 14,673 | 14,786 | -0.8 | 6,077 | 3,146 | 482 | 4,968 | 6,788 | £2,161.61 |
Soha Housing | 17,466 | 16,209 | 7.8 | 4,513 | 0 | 5,221 | 7,732 | 7,078 | £2,467.65 |
South Lakes Housing | 8,905 | 7,333 | 21.4 | 2,735 | 2,648 | 1,022 | 2,500 | 3,347 | £2,660.59 |
South Liverpool Homes | 9,577 | 8,691 | 10.2 | 3,863 | 666 | 2,123 | 2,925 | 3,834 | £2,497.91 |
South Yorkshire Housing Association | 11,516 | 9,790 | 17.6 | 4,331 | 0 | 1,034 | 6,151 | 5,485 | £2,099.54 |
Southern Housing Group | 69,724 | 82,396 | -15.4 | 31,003 | 0 | 8,170 | 30,551 | 27,869 | £2,501.85 |
Southway Housing Trust | 10,155 | 6,442 | 57.6 | 1,122 | 2,462 | 1,828 | 4,743 | 6,100 | £1,664.75 |
Sovereign | 118,536 | 98,959 | 19.8 | 28,632 | 2,059 | 36,871 | 50,974 | 56,363 | £2,103.08 |
St Mungo’s | 4,539 | 3,576 | 26.9 | 1,638 | 0 | 349 | 2,552 | 2,566 | £1,768.90 |
Stonewater | 62,076 | 44,196 | 40.5 | 18,819 | 8,757 | 6,681 | 27,819 | 35,433 | £1,751.93 |
Sustain UK | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,163 | £0.00 |
Teign Housing | 8,889 | 8,069 | 10.2 | 3,025 | 2,444 | 519 | 2,901 | 3,775 | £2,354.70 |
The Abbeyfield Society | 5,606 | 4,657 | 20.4 | 2,216 | 426 | 0 | 2,964 | 1,893 | £2,961.44 |
The Cambridge Housing Society | 4,851 | 3,676 | 32.0 | 2,389 | 0 | 911 | 1,551 | 3,043 | £1,594.15 |
The Community Housing Group | 12,191 | 9,483 | 28.6 | 5,643 | 658 | 1,332 | 4,558 | 5,981 | £2,038.29 |
The Guinness Partnership | 143,900 | 117,800 | 22.2 | 60,900 | 8,300 | 18,900 | 55,800 | 60,421 | £2,381.62 |
The Pioneer Group | 4,963 | 5,205 | -4.6 | 814 | 324 | 1,768 | 2,057 | 2,387 | £2,079.18 |
The Wrekin Housing Group | 30,447 | 25,716 | 18.4 | 7,274 | 7,680 | 0 | 15,493 | 12,983 | £2,345.14 |
Thirteen Housing Group | 73,537 | 61,625 | 19.3 | 24,867 | 9,043 | 5,616 | 34,011 | 34,402 | £2,137.58 |
Thrive Homes | 10,235 | 8,483 | 20.7 | 4,323 | 0 | 1,800 | 4,112 | 4,609 | £2,220.66 |
Together Housing Group | 69,444 | 64,226 | 8.1 | 29,271 | 7,969 | 0 | 32,204 | 36,753 | £1,889.48 |
Torus | 75,047 | 48,685 | 54.1 | 27,644 | 13,034 | 10,438 | 23,931 | 38,294 | £1,959.76 |
Tower Hamlets Community Housing | 15,706 | 10,486 | 49.8 | 4,910 | 4,343 | 2,873 | 3,580 | 2,058 | £7,631.68 |
Trent & Dove Housing | 14,729 | 10,845 | 35.8 | 5,160 | 2,331 | 3,468 | 3,770 | 6,474 | £2,275.10 |
Trident Housing Association | 8,107 | 6,618 | 22.5 | 3,146 | 121 | 1,995 | 2,845 | 3,359 | £2,413.52 |
Tuntum Housing Association | 2,792 | 2,282 | 22.3 | 867 | 0 | 346 | 1,579 | 1,569 | £1,779.48 |
Two Rivers Housing | 8,813 | 6,750 | 30.6 | 3,245 | 725 | 1,930 | 2,913 | 4,311 | £2,044.31 |
Unity Housing Association | 1,657 | 1,612 | 2.8 | 571 | 20 | 392 | 674 | 1,372 | £1,207.73 |
Vivid Housing | 64,249 | 52,019 | 23.5 | 26,947 | 10,658 | 3,331 | 23,313 | 30,197 | £2,127.66 |
Wandle | 19,010 | 17,844 | 6.5 | 6,002 | 3,185 | 2,141 | 7,682 | 6,934 | £2,741.56 |
Warrington Housing Association | 2,728 | 2,452 | 11.3 | 933 | 671 | 0 | 1,124 | 1,269 | £2,149.72 |
Watford Community Housing Trust | 9,958 | 7,246 | 37.4 | 4,803 | 248 | 754 | 4,153 | 5,327 | £1,869.34 |
WATMOS Community Homes | 11,199 | 5,349 | 109.4 | 6,376 | 0 | 798 | 4,025 | 2,622 | £4,271.17 |
WDH | 59,769 | 46,434 | 28.7 | 13,037 | 23,756 | 2,489 | 20,487 | 31,751 | £1,882.43 |
Weaver Vale Housing Trust | 15,582 | 13,222 | 17.8 | 3,008 | 4,924 | 1,540 | 6,110 | 6,206 | £2,510.80 |
West Kent Housing Association | 23,678 | 16,315 | 45.1 | 5,003 | 186 | 12,608 | 5,881 | 7,832 | £3,023.24 |
Westward Housing Group | 16,038 | 11,386 | 40.9 | 6,168 | 2,460 | 890 | 6,520 | 7,407 | £2,165.25 |
WHG | 50,013 | 41,665 | 20.0 | 17,939 | 5,545 | 15,235 | 11,294 | 21,185 | £2,360.77 |
Worthing Homes | 7,426 | 4,882 | 52.1 | 2,301 | 1,320 | 1,628 | 2,177 | 3,726 | £1,993.02 |
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group | 28,340 | 31,670 | -10.5 | 9,462 | 6,048 | 2,694 | 10,136 | 13,654 | £2,075.58 |
YMCA St Paul’s Group | 1,670 | 968 | 72.5 | 755 | 0 | 116 | 799 | 1,209 | £1,381.31 |
Yorkshire Housing | 33,752 | 27,286 | 23.7 | 7,466 | 3,931 | 7,125 | 15,230 | 17,575 | £1,920.46 |
Your Housing Group | 85,872 | 54,732 | 56.9 | 48,209 | 3,240 | 13,483 | 20,940 | 26,223 | £3,274.68 |
Source: Regulator of Social Housing, Global Accounts
Notes: Figures rounded. *The Global Accounts (consolidated figures) collates financial information from all English housing associations which own or manage at least 1,000 homes, together representing more than 95% of the sector’s stock. This year it included 204 landlords, compared with 207 last year, with 2021-22’s top 50 R&M spenders listed above
According to the regulator, increased repairs spending is the main reason for a £400m annual fall in associations’ collective operating surplus from social housing letting activities, which totalled £4.4bn in the year to March. In its own review of associations’ finances, the RSH describes a sector facing difficult choices when it comes to repairs and maintenance: “Providers must continue to ensure that stock meets current and evolving requirements. In some cases, this will mean finding a balance between maintaining financial resilience, while delivering essential services.”
The tracker calculates the average amount associations spent on repairs and maintenance, by dividing each landlord’s total bill for the year by the number of social properties it owns or manages. This reveals a wide range of investment per home. While on average landlords spent £2,275.32 per property, two landlords – Heylo Housing and Sustain – spent nothing.
Housing association | Spend per home (£) |
Tower Hamlets Community Housing | 7,631.68 |
Local Space | 4,714.18 |
Shepherds Bush | 4,548.11 |
East End Homes | 4,396.19 |
Hexagon | 4,387.44 |
WATMOS Community Homes | 4,271.17 |
Poplar Harca | 3,851.52 |
Framework | 3,551.27 |
Origin | 3,526.89 |
Look Ahead Care and Support | 3,525.89 |
Source: Regulator of Social Housing, Global Accounts
Notes: Figures rounded
A spokesperson for Heylo says: “Heylo is a for-profit shared ownership provider, so will typically not have [repairs and maintenance] spend [or] obligations in the vast majority of cases.”
Ian MacGregor, chief executive of Sustain, explains: “Sustain does not own any property; we use managing agents to provide the property and services that our vulnerable adult tenants require, and have an in-house inspection team to check on the quality of the property and support provided. Thus, the repairs and maintenance responsibility and cost fall onto our managing agents.”
Combined R&M spend by English associations, 2021-22
Rise in major repairs spending, to £640m
Average spend per home
At the other end of the spectrum, Tower Hamlets Community Housing (THCH) spent £7,631.68 on each of its 2,058 social homes on average. “We’ve invested a significant amount into fire remediation works, which has impacted our cost per unit for 2021-22,” says a THCH spokesperson. “Despite the high cost of investment, we prioritised safety and ensured works were completed as quickly as possible. Our average cost also reflects the make-up of our stock and location – the majority being high-rise flats in London.”
Overall, the vast majority – 87% – of tracked landlords reported spending more on maintenance and repairs in 2022 than during the previous 12 months.
Housing association | Total spending on R&M, 2022 (£m) | R&M spending % rise, 2021 to 2022 |
Sage Rented | 1.2 | 764.8 |
GreenSquareAccord | 54.2 | 177.4 |
Brighter Places | 9.0 | 145.0 |
Brunelcare | 2.1 | 115.6 |
Sage Housing | 1.2 | 115.2 |
WATMOS Community Homes | 11.2 | 109.4 |
YMCA St Paul's Group | 1.7 | 72.5 |
Hexagon | 19.0 | 64.6 |
Connexus Homes | 26.0 | 62.6 |
Riverside | 155.7 | 60.4 |
Source: Regulator of Social Housing, Global Accounts
Notes: Figures rounded
Riverside, which according to its accounts owns or manages 68,624 social homes, was one of the larger associations to record a significant increase in its total repairs and maintenance bill. It spent £155.7m in the year to March 2022, an annual increase of 60.4%. A Riverside spokesperson attributes the rise to its merger with One Housing in December 2021.
“The figures for the financial year 2020-21 are inclusive of The Riverside Group only, whereas the financial year 2021-22 also includes four months’ spending of One Housing Group,” they explain. “The uplift in major repairs spend relates to cladding remediation works on One Housing’s tall building stock. Additionally, we saw increases in responsive repairs post-COVID-19, which has contributed to the uplift in expenditure. We anticipate reporting a further rise for the current financial year following our expansion.”
Housing association | Total spend on major repairs (£m) |
Notting Hill Genesis | 43.2 |
Riverside | 40.4 |
Clarion | 29.0 |
Wakefield and District | 23.8 |
LiveWest | 21.8 |
Aster | 20.5 |
Abri | 15.2 |
A2Dominion | 14.3 |
Torus | 13.0 |
Home Group | 13.0 |
Source: Regulator of Social Housing, Global Accounts
Notes: Figures rounded
Although increased bills were the norm, 21 landlords reduced their spending last year. Bromsgrove District Housing Trust, which owns or manages 4,064 homes, recorded the largest drop, with total repairs and maintenance spending down 18.2% to £10.6m. The landlord did not respond to requests for comment.
Of the larger associations, 28,000-home Southern Housing Group logged the fourth-largest drop in total spending, down 15.4% for the year to £69.7m. While the headline figure disguises a 41.8% increase in planned maintenance spend to £8.2m, routine maintenance and capitalised major repairs spending both dropped by 12.5% and 25.7% respectively. A Southern spokesperson says routine spend fell as post-pandemic catch-up work reduced and it spent less on void properties. They add: “We set a reduced capitalised work programme in 2021-22 in response to challenging supply chains following both Brexit and COVID-19.”
Housing association | Spend per home (£) |
Heylo | 0.00 |
Sustain | 0.00 |
Sage Housing | 293.29 |
Sage Rented | 369.77 |
Legal & General Affordable Homes | 515.13 |
Empowering People Inspiring Communities | 1,048.96 |
Unity | 1,207.73 |
First Garden Cities Homes | 1,279.70 |
Cobalt | 1,326.33 |
Incommunities | 1,379.43 |
Source: Regulator of Social Housing, Global Accounts
Notes: Figures rounded
The sector’s largest landlord topped the table for total spending for the sixth year in a row. Clarion, which owns or manages 109,802 homes, spent £363m on repairs and maintenance in the year to March 2022, up 26%.
Rob Lane, chief property officer at Clarion, says that as well as continued catch-up work and inflationary pressures, in 2021-22 the landlord faced “exceptional costs” relating to moving residents from Clare House, an east London tower block found to be dangerous in 2021, and the Eastfields Estate in south London which, in the same year, ITV News revealed was suffering from disrepair, pervasive mould and vermin. Storm damage also contributed to the overall bill.
Mr Lane adds: “Spend on planned maintenance and expensed major works has seen a £14m increase. Included is work related to our fire safety programme, where investment hit record levels during 2021-22. During the year, we also match-funded our energy efficiency work as part of our participation in the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator.”
Mr Lane says that Clarion’s planned repairs and maintenance spending for the current financial year is already outpacing that for the last, with the landlord spending £93m in the first three quarters, compared
with £89m during the same period in 2021-22.
This looks set to be a sector-wide phenomenon. An analysis of associations’ current business plans by the RSH concludes that many are likely to increase spending on existing homes further, “to a greater extent driven by stock quality and decarbonisation”.
Looking ahead, business plans submitted to the RSH in June 2022 forecast that the sector will spend £40.7bn in the next five years, averaging £8.1bn a year – a 25% increase on the latest combined spend. This year’s record-breaking total seems unlikely to stand.
Update: at 12.50pm, 01.03.23
Bromsgrove District Housing Trust’s entry in the table titled ‘Housing associations’ spend on repairs and maintenance 2021-22’ previously showed that the association’s 2021 spend was £12.9m, which was incorrect. This figure has been corrected to £7.9m and the percentage change in the organisation’s spend has been corrected to 33.3%.
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