As part of Inside Housing’s CPD offering, watch the full webinar at the bottom of this article in association with smart tech provider Switchee, ‘How can social landlords assess whether retrofit is delivering intended performance improvements?’, and earn CPD minutes
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The drive to decarbonise means a drive to retrofit older properties. While the overarching aim is to reduce environmental impact, such work is also designed to improve the lives of residents – mitigating the risk of extremes of temperature, cutting energy bills, and improving indoor air quality.
The scale of the challenge is such that there has perhaps been more focus on getting retrofit work done rather than assessing its longer-term impact.
In this CPD webinar, Dr Arman Hashemi, programme leader for architectural design technology at the University of East London joins Inside Housing editor Martin Hilditch. Together they discuss what needs to be considered in assessing the impact of retrofit works; what existing data shows about specific methods; and what assessment will need to happen over the longer term.
By the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:
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Evaluating the impact of Housing First in the UK
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Watch the full webinar at the end of this article in association with Switchee, Fostering data-driven engagement with residents on fuel poverty
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The importance of good quality data to good air quality
Watch the full webinar, The importance of good quality data to good air quality
Making data-led decisions in social housing
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Building reciprocal relationships with residents
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How can social landlords assess whether retrofit is delivering intended performance improvements?
Watch the full webinar, How can social landlords assess whether retrofit is delivering intended performance improvements?
How social landlords should assess and report performance on ESG
Social landlords are increasingly expected not only to consider their environmental and social impact, but also to demonstrate it. Andy Smith, head of impact services at The Good Economy, outlines what providers need to consider
Designing new builds with indoor air quality in mind
Could the drive for energy efficiency in new builds be at the expense of indoor air quality? Dr Jenny Brierley, former housing association chief executive and indoor air quality researcher, explains
AI and robotic process automation – how to use them in social housing
Artificial intelligence and robotic process automation could transform the way social landlords operate and create efficiencies. Monica Quintero, head of digital at Stockport Homes Group, explains the benefits and pitfalls
How to approach decarbonisation policy and strategies
The policy environment on decarbonisation and retrofit is evolving, so how can social landlords continue to build strategies to meet net zero? Richard Ellis, director of sustainability at Peabody, explains
Addressing the development gap in social housing
There is a significant gap between the social housing available in the UK and the number of people who need it. Vicky Savage, executive group director for development and sales at L&Q, looks at the ways in which social landlords can support and increase further development
The importance of indoor air quality
What is indoor air quality, why is it important, and how can it be improved in social housing? Professor Tim Sharpe, head of the department of architecture at the University of Strathclyde, explains
The Procurement Act 2023 – how will it affect landlords?
The Procurement Act 2023 passed into law at the end of last year, with full implementation set for October 2024. How does it change procurement processes, what stays the same and how should social landlords adapt? John Wallace, director of procurement at Clarion, explains all
Funding options in social housing
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The new building safety regime
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The recruitment and retention challenge in repairs and maintenance
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Psychologically informed environments
How psychologically informed environments take into account how previous trauma might impact people who have experienced homelessness and how they interact with support services
Understanding damp and mould
Housing ombudsman Richard Blakeway discusses how social landlords can tackle the problem of damp and mould in their homes
Tenant satisfaction measures
Watch the full webinar How to collect, report and act on tenant satisfaction measures