Bromford and Flagship have completed their merger to form an 80,000-home association.
The completion of the tie-up follows extensive due diligence, regulatory approvals, and engagement with key stakeholders.
The landlords believe the coming-together is a key milestone that will help drive their strategic aim of unlocking additional capacity to deliver more affordable homes.
Bromford Housing Group has been renamed Bromford Flagship and serves as the group parent.
Flagship Housing Group has been renamed Flagship Housing and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the group.
The new structure also includes Bromford Housing Association, Merlin Housing Society and other existing entities from both organisations.
The newly formed board of directors and executive team has been confirmed. Peter Hawes, former chair of Flagship Group, will chair the board, while Bromford’s Robert Nettleton has been appointed as chief executive of the entire group.
Paul Walsh will take on the chief finance officer role at the new organisation, continuing in the same role he previously held at Bromford.
Mr Nettleton said: “The need for affordable homes, the quality of service we provide to customers, and an absolute focus on place has never been more important.
“The need to unlock additional capacity that enables housing associations to deliver at scale has also never been greater. We’re excited about the huge potential this opportunity offers and ultimately the ability to enable more people to thrive.”
It is hoped the leadership structure will ensure continuity, strong governance and a blend of expertise from both organisations.
The group parent believes the “merger unlocks significant financial capacity beyond what either organisation could achieve alone”.
This could allow Bromford Flagship to deliver 2,000 homes per year for the next 30 years, with an ambition for 50% to be at social rent.
The organisation will also introduce new and innovative investment through the creation of a ‘place standard’, which will focus on transforming streets into thriving communities, and places where people want to live.
In addition, Bromford Flagship is launching two major initiatives: a learning academy to provide training opportunities for colleagues and customers, and a research and development team to focus on customers’ priorities and service improvements.
In their latest trading updates towards the end of last year, Bromford and Flagship reported rising half-year revenues, but highlighted spending pressures on improving their existing homes.
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