The only place the whole UK housing sector comes together every year.
Raising the voice of the housing and wider living sector, with thriving communities at the heart.
Housing enables attendees to access a breadth and depth of information and networking not available anywhere else. Join over 9,000 attendees; listen, learn, digest and discuss and takeaway solutions to your communities.
At the Housing 2025 Leadership Symposium, we are committed to raising the voice of the housing sector and creating new homes and thriving communities. We believe that the solutions to today’s housing crisis lie in innovative partnerships, sustainable practices, and inclusive policies.
Together, we can build a future where high-quality, accessible, and affordable housing is a reality for all.
An unmissable event for housing and asset management, development and sustainability professionals
HOMES UK is the largest free-to-attend conference and exhibition of its kind. Bringing together over 4,500 housing sector professionals to discuss how to build and maintain high-quality, sustainable homes in communities where people will thrive.
In the face of limited resources, it’s more important than ever to collaborate and find strategic goals to achieve more together.
Unlock Net Zero Live brings the UK housing and built environment sectors together to push forward bold conversations and practical solutions to decarbonise our homes and places at both pace and scale.
To make a positive impact in our communities alongside meeting the UK’s net zero and climate change targets, we need collective, urgent action across all sectors. Join us to help build the foundations of net zero together.
Watch the full webinar ‘How should housing providers approach harder-to-treat retrofit properties once the low-hanging fruit has been picked?’ and earn CPD minutes
As part of Inside Housing’s CPD offering, watch the webinar in association with Aico, ‘The importance of good quality data to good air quality’, and earn CPD minutes