Our new neighbourhood strategy has identified the need for more bike storage, vegetable patches and other amenities that make a big difference to residents’ lives, says Sarah Crabb, assistant director of housing services at Mount Green Housing Association
Creating thriving neighbourhoods has a direct impact on residents’ enjoyment of their homes. Last year, Mount Green asked residents what we could do to keep neighbourhoods protected and maintained, while growing our relationships with communities.
As a result, we created our Neighbourhood Management Strategy. This was developed alongside our Resident Committee Group and with our estate representatives and neighbourhood officers. The blueprint aims to improve life for residents by identifying what makes a good neighbourhood and bringing those aspects together to create flourishing communities.
We focused on three key themes: maintenance of shared spaces, local co-operation and safer neighbourhoods. We like to hear residents’ views on their neighbourhood and the surrounding areas that may not be owned by Mount Green, but have an impact on its estates. Meeting residents at estate inspections, resident meetings and home visits allows us to listen to concerns and discuss ways we can help influence change.
As part of this strategy, we’ll also be working with councils to discuss neighbouring parks, speaking to local businesses when there’s an impact on communities, or contacting county councils regarding local roads – ensuring that residents have a voice and a way of making change happen.
Some residents live in homes where the estate is managed by a third-party managing agent. In these circumstances, we foster relationships with the property manager and monitor their performance to ensure they deliver quality services. Residents best understand the improvements that would benefit their neighbourhoods, so we work closely with them. We can’t always make every improvement requested, but where we can, we utilise our community improvement budget and apply for local grants or charitable funds to make the changes residents suggest.
Some great things have come out of this method. Last year, we worked with residents to identify the need for additional bike storage, vegetable patches, extra parking and additional clothes-drying areas, to name a few – things that make a difference to residents’ lives.
To create safe and happy communities, there are things we require from residents, and that’s where clear communication and good relationships with residents come in.
We’ve always had a strong ethos of resident involvement, but as part of the strategy we’re placing even more focus on this, assisting residents who want to implement tenant-led activities. This may be creating a residents’ association, maintaining part of a garden or holding community events – anything that will support thriving communities.
Partnerships with local services strengthen our offer to residents, and we work closely with local fire services and social services to ensure residents are given extra support to stay safe. We will also make sure all residents understand and have all the information they need on the importance of fire safety, and health and safety.
To improve neighbourhoods, we’ll work with local organisations that provide services to residents, like water boards, energy providers, waste management and highway services, to ensure residents are represented.
“Our strategy also explains how we’ll work in partnership with organisations through our community safety partnerships to tackle anti-social behaviour and hate crimes. We’re aware of the effect these issues can have on residents and we want to help”
We often invite local partners to attend resident events, so we can direct residents to relevant local services that offer additional support and advice. Our strategy also explains how we’ll work in partnership with organisations through our community safety partnerships to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) and hate crimes.
We’re aware of the effect these issues can have on residents and we want to help. We’ve made a pledge to do this by working in co-operation with well-being services, such as Surrey Against Domestic Abuse, to tackle domestic violence and ensure residents have access to support.
We also work closely with support agencies on ASB, tenancy fraud and allocations of homes to ensure they enhance communities. Our internal polices and procedures need to be robust and communications need to ensure that residents know how to report any ASB or hate crimes.
The heart of the work we do within communities, and what’s set out and clarified by the strategy, is ensuring Mount Green neighbourhoods are great places to live in, and we’ll continue to work with local communities to promote integration.
With the launch of our Neighbourhood Management Strategy, we hope to make the most of the benefits of resident involvement, enhance our partnership work, provide community support and foster local co-operation.
The strategy gives us a way of reviewing our progress, making sure our action plan is fit for purpose and continuing to find ways we can improve our services for neighbourhoods and communities, with and for residents.
Sarah Crabb, assistant director of housing services, Mount Green Housing Association
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