Scotland’s biggest housing association has appointed eight contractors to its four-year affordable housing framework.
Cruden, Hadden, McTaggart and The JR Group are among the builders to secure places on Wheatley’s construction framework, opening themselves up to potential projects worth £500m.
Wheatley aims to develop 5,500 new homes over the next four years across all affordable tenures, as well as 12,500 more by 2032.
It expects 1,000 homes to be built per year in Dumfries and Galloway and across the central belt of Scotland via the framework, although it added that the framework could be used for construction elsewhere in the country.
Contractors will primarily be building new homes, but work may also include conversions and renovations of homes and non-residential buildings.
Demolition, remediation and infrastructure work will also be procured through the framework.
The full list of contractors appointed to the framework is: McTaggart, Ogilvie, The JR Group, CCG, Ashleigh, Hadden Group, Clarke Contracts and Cruden.
Over the past seven years, Wheatley has built more homes for social rent than any landlord in the UK, according to Inside Housing’s annual survey of the top developing housing associations.
Earlier this month, Wheatley’s new chief executive, Steven Henderson, told Inside Housing: “Our programme is about 75% social... It has got a very heavy focus towards social housing. That is something I’m very proud of.”
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