A housing association will oversee a more than seven-fold increase in the number of apprentices it employs by the end of this financial year.
L&Q is to take on 70 apprentices by April 2015, up from just nine in the last financial year. Fifty will work for the 70,000-home association’s construction subsidiary, while 20 placements across the business will be available exclusively to L&Q residents.
The resident-only apprenticeships will last up to three years and end with the opportunity to apply for a full-time role at the landlord.
The latter roles come under a new £310,000 employment programme which aims to get 100 residents into work by April 2015. The L&Q apprenticeships scheme will also provide residents with work experience and pre-employment support.
The apprentice boost came as L&Q got behind Inside Housing’s Homes Work campaign, which promotes apprenticeships and training offered by social landlords.
David Montague, chief executive of L&Q, said: ‘Apprenticeships are quite rightly high on the agenda and L&Q is pleased to support Inside Housing’s Homes Work campaign.
‘L&Q is putting much greater emphasis on creating employment and training opportunities for residents, and we are looking at ways to deliver even more apprenticeship placements in the future.
‘Homes Work has drawn out some inspirational stories and it’s very encouraging to see the sector united in their support for this campaign.’
L&Q’s support brings the number of apprenticeships promised by Homes Work supporters to 1,624. This includes 1,195 placements pledged by housing associations and 429 by arm’s-length management organisations.