Scotland’s largest landlord has appointed a new group director of assets and repairs, it announced today.
Frank McCafferty will take up the role at Wheatley Group, where he will be responsible for the in-house repairs teams in the east and south of Scotland.
He will also be head of in-house repairs at City Building in Glasgow, a construction company jointly owned by the 93,000-home housing association and the council, and will oversee the organisation’s development programme.
Mr McCafferty joins Wheatley from Lanarkshire Council, where he was head of property services.
He has 30 years’ experience in the construction, property management and asset management industry across both the public and private sectors.
Mr McCafferty said: “I’m delighted to join Wheatley, which has a well-deserved reputation as an innovative, forward-thinking organisation deeply rooted in the communities it serves.
“The group has a sector-leading repairs service and one of the UK’s most ambitious investment programme, and I am eager to build on the great work already done.”
Martin Armstrong, chief executive of Wheatley, described Mr McCafferty as a “highly experienced and widely respected public-sector leader.”
“He is well equipped to drive forward our repairs service and investment programme,” he added.
It follows several other senior management appointments by Wheatley.
Laura Henderson has been named managing director of Dunedin Canmore, West Lothian Housing Partnership and Loretto Housing, which are all part of the Wheatley Group, and Louise Dunlop has taken on the role of interim managing director of Wheatley Care.
John Crooks became the new director of group health and safety compliance, while Steven Gray has been appointed director of environmental services.
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