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Rising Stars winner announced

The winner of the 2014 Rising Stars competition was announced at the glittering Housing Heroes Award ceremony last night.

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Rising Stars winner announced

James Caspell, customer insight and delivery coordinator for Tower Hamlets Homes, was crowned the winner after securing almost 70 per cent of the online vote.


James Caspbell Rising Stars winner shares his excitement about taking the crown

Mr Caspell also came second in the interview and in the Shelter campaign day.

James Caspell Rising Stars winner

Antonia Bance of Shelter said the winner gave a ‘polished verbal’ presentation about his ‘clear’ campaign Right To Rent after the candidates spent a day with the charity’s campaigns team.

Nicola Laycock, project assistant for Gentoo, came in second place after winning both the Shelter campaign day and the interview challenge. Ms Bance said Ms Laycock ‘picked a realistic audience’ with her campaign Vote 4 Homes and had a ‘clear theory of change’

Emma Lindley, private rented sector coordinator for Futures Homescape, came in third place winning the student conference challenge. Ms Bance said she gave an ‘excellent’ verbal presentation about her Building Together which was supported by an ‘interesting’ infographic.

Martin Hilditch, Inside Housing’s acting editor, praised all three candidates calling them ‘three extremely committed individuals’.


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