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One in every two houses built in Wales should be affordable, says Welsh government

Nearly half the new homes built in Wales should be affordable in order to meet housing need, the Welsh government has said.

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Picture: Getty

Housebuilding in Wales should be 47% affordable, says Welsh government #ukhousing

A tenure breakdown of housing need published by the government on Thursday said intermediate and social housing should make up 47% of total new homes in Wales up to the end of 2022/23.

It said between 3,300 and 4,400 new affordable homes are required a year, while 3,400 to 5,200 market rate homes are needed, with an average of 3,900 and 4,400 respectively.

In January, the Welsh government projected that the country needs an average of 8,300 new homes a year between now and 2024.


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Only 2,316 affordable homes were delivered in Wales in 2017/18, 35% of the total.

The figures are based on estimates of existing unmet housing need and new household projections.

The Welsh government said the projections should not be interpreted as housing targets.

Aaron Hill, public affairs manager at Community Housing Cymru, said: “These figures show that to meet future housing need in Wales, nearly 50% of the homes we build must be affordable.

“This is a high watermark and outlines the scale of the challenge we face.”

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