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Increased target for affordable homes in Wales

The Welsh Government’s target for new affordable homes has been revised from 7,500 to 10,000 for the current term of government, housing minister Carl Sargeant announced on Thursday last week.

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Speaking at the TAI conference at Cardiff city hall, Mr Sargeant said: ‘The housing sector in Wales is making a significant impact. Despite the cuts from the UK government and the impact of its welfare reforms, there is much to be proud of.

‘Already during this term of government, thousands of people have been able to access good quality affordable homes, tens of thousands have homes have been improved and a similar number are receiving vital support that helps them to find and maintain accommodation, and to live independently.  

‘I have repeatedly said that my main priority is to increase the supply of homes.  I was very pleased to announce recently an increased target of 10,000 new affordable homes during this term of government.’


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