An Edinburgh-based housing association has appointed its governance manager as its new chief executive.
Muirhouse Housing Association, which owns 570 homes in the north of the city, has promoted governance and compliance manager Susan Bell to lead the organisation.
The board voted unanimously to appoint Ms Bell after a competitive recruitment exercise in which more than 50 people applied for the position.
Ms Bell replaces Barry Allan, finance and corporate services manager, who took on the role of chief executive on an interim basis. Mr Allan was brought in after previous chief executive Steve McAvoy resigned in 2021.
Ms Bell joined Muirhouse last year after previously working as head of operations at Fairfield Housing Association, which managed homes in Perth and Kinross.
Iain Strachan, chair of Muirhouse, said: “Following the interview process, the board of management were unanimous that Susan had the drive, energy and passion to lead the organisation in what will be an exciting few years as we look to develop effective partnerships and build on the services we already deliver to our tenants.”
Ms Bell said: “I am excited to have this opportunity to lead the staff team, get to know the vast array of local partners and members of ARCHIE [the Alliance of Registered Co-operatives and Housing Associations, Independent in Edinburgh] given that in this changing world the need for strong partnerships will become even more critical to meet the needs of our communities.”
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